Phillipsburg Railroad Historians, Inc.
55 Sitgreaves Street, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
This month's meeting will be held on February 28th, at 7:30 pm, at Phillipsburg Town Hall. Tom Nemeth, who provided the entertainment last month (and did a great job I might add), will continue his Penn Central show this month. I have been asked to print the meeting dates for the year so that those of you who need to know can plan accordingly. They follow...
March 27th |
August 28th |
April 24th |
September 25th |
May 22nd |
October 23rd |
June 26th |
November 20th |
July 24th |
December 18th |
Last month we elected officers and directors. Ed Myers replaces Dave Griffith as a director and Steve Winter stepped down as secretary. That position was not filled. Any member who has the time and desire to handle the position is welcome to come forward. As the weather starts getting better, those members wanting to work should contact President Terp and find what needs to be done. We have to get moving as soon as possible. We have to move the equipment off the former Merritt property. Before we can do that though, we have to lay track behind Sitgreaves Street. As mentioned last month, your 1996 dues should now be paid, if you haven't paid them, see Jim Anderson at the meeting or send them in to the above address.