Phillipsburg Railroad Historians, Inc.
292 Chambers Street, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
This month's meeting will be held as usual at 7:30 P.M. on March 25th at Phillipsburg Town Hall in the basement. Entertainment will be provided by Paul Carpenito.
February brought progress on preparing to move our full size Rolling Stock. On Saturday February 28th, the L&HR 1600 Low Side Gondola was moved to the site and set on trucks prepared ahead of time. Loading and unloading was accomplished by a 20 ton fork lift provided by Atlantic States Pipe and operated by Joe Maddock. (Thanks Joe) A date of March 21st was set up with the NJ Army National Guard providing an 80 ton Tank Transporter to move the G.E. However, due to a delay in permitting, the date had to be moved back to March 28th. We will move as much rolling stock as possible on this date, finishing up on the following Saturday.
Rolling Stock Vandalized - The G.E. and the L&HR cabooses were vandalized during the week of March 9th. Glass was broked in the G.E. and window coverings pulled from the windows on the cabooses. It appears the L&HR flanger was spared.
Thanks to member Jim Smith of Sanico for moving the two dumpsters with C&S parts to the site on March 13th.
Bob Kirkpatrick has started the engineering necessary for the retaining wall, as once our property is removed from SMP site, this will be the next project to get our attention.
We were provided free space at Two Rivers Business Expo to promote PRRH and the State site at Phillipsburg. Talked to many people and managed to create much interest in our projects. Thanks to Mike Dowd of TRACC.
66 man hours were donated to February 28th by the following: J Anderson, D Beck, J Dyer, T Fye, D Gandy, A Jennings, B Marinelli, K Miller, B O'Neill, G Terminelli, P Terp. Work Parties will continue as needed thru April. Call Ken Miller at 908.689.0472 for info.
Our Banquet will be held on Saturday April 25th at Flynn's - See Flyer enclosed.
Note: An agenda for the March Members Meeting was not available at press time.