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For information on how to make and run maps please go here.
Rating (0-5)
Danzig06 Another very popular shotgun map.
IODanzig Really sweet small shotty/rpg map. IOdanzg2 Better version of IOD. Rpgmania Very small rpg-only map. Just about everybody hates this map becuase they think it involves "no skill". Jroom38g Smallish but popular map that I hate. =)
This map is pretty popular on TEN. I don't do to well on this one personally. :) For some reason people like it and play it a lot me.
Almost the same as karnage2. A few updates.
This one is pretty popular also like k2. I don't seem to like this one and do real bad in it. :( Maybe you'll have better luck. It's got a tower and lots of trips and camping spots.
This takes place in a mansion. It's pretty cool. Real big plenty of room. I like the dark movie theater. :)
This is a really cool map. It takes place on a moving train. It's got a lot of rooms and different classes..(like first calss, second class..etc..).
This comes with 3 maps: gimzy02, gimzy03, and playball. Playball is a pretty cool baseball field. Gizmy02 and Gimzy03 are OK....
This is a very small, but fast paced level. Ideal for the anti-camper.
Bmaps Comes with maps B-25, B-37, B-44 and B-45 maps. These maps are rather small but that means intense action. ;) Weapons rooms are along the outside along with a place to fight in the middle. B maps made by *IOD*Dracula.