Ahh, this is the most recent school pic......
*************** This is my adopted Sprite Frolic! Would you like to adopt a Sprite? Go to Rainbow Brite's Adopt-a-Sprite Agency! *************** |
This is my Piercing Store. It's the BEST in the world! well, i dunno but this girl right here is alway's behind the counter when i'm there!
And whata bout TOOL???
This is the back of my neck!! It's been acting up on me latley!!
This is one of my New piercings. My
Hey There! And greetings from the wonderful world of me!-Rainbow Bright!! So for the peeps who don't know me, let me describe my self!! Ok-well i'm a 15/f...from good ol' New Jersey (West Milford to be exact)...i have brown eyes'...short bright multi colored hair(at the time)...5'5...115lbs...has her NECK and SEPTUM pierced...and dresses like a total freak!!!
But with me, a big question arises.....what's up with the name rainbow bright?? Well, for those of you who really care... here it goes!! See, it was my first year of High School and i was very excited of a new year of funky hair colors and outfits!! But i was also scared for dear life that someone would kick my butt just cuz of the way i dress (yes, people ARE that stupid!) But anyway..to start off my new year i decided to dye my hair every color possible!! So then the next day (also the first day of school) it came to my surprize that it was accepted-and that i even got a pet name from it! and that pet name was Rainbow Bright! It stuck w/me-and i love it (but no, i'm not gay!!)! And that year i was also thankful that i didnt' get my butt kicked (t-he,he,he,he! for those of you who know why!!), but that's due to the fact that everybody in my school was afarid of me. Including the jocks (also the ones who gave me my nick name!)! I guess that you could say they had fun making me the laughing stock of the school..but the best part of it was that i had fun too-needless to say!! It was kinda funny seeing them pretend ask me to the prom or ask me those "erotic" questions!! But i had fun..and injoy being what and who i am-no mader what they say!! And i'd like to thank a few for making me, or even helping me and supporting me!
First, there's my Best friend in the whole world-Ashley l. no madder what....we've still been friends for 12 years! Then there's the boy that did it all for me, dave. what else can i say than that he made me! if it wasn't for him, there would be no "adriennne designed outfits", or even the other funky outfits or hair! Thanks alot dave for letting me find out myself! Then there's my two other friends who i love just as much...Erin and Erica. Even though erica is too busy washing the "scrach and sniff couch" or babysittng i still love you, and you too erin with your dancing-king-and-i-crap! Then i'd like to thank jakie and alison for always making me laugh, jean, kristine, kelly, laura, ruthie for making me fell cool, ashley, snoopy bean, fagg, spatch, casper, afibec, korpios, puk, johnattan, korey (check ya later!!), jessica(you freak!!) tina, ryan , justin, nick for making me belive in manson, mike, that girl on my bus, roary and randy for also making me feel good once and a while, my beloved jocks, tom, steve and steve, joe (i love you!), adam, phil (the little kid), aaron, heather, nichole, joni, the rest of the warwick people who came to my party (wazo and ebs), amanda, alexis, jada, april, tiffany, grandma, anut clarie, frank, jon d, brian, mike, denise, mrs callahan, devin, sam, amelia, jessica, krisy, eric, shara, and a special one to my "second parents" (ashey's parents) thanks for always careing about me!, and of course my parents who let me discover me and the world at a very early age...i love you for that! And to all of the other people who just belive in me for what ever reason--THANK YOU!!
ohh, ps--everyone should sign my guestbook at the bottom or give me an email....then tell your friends about my page..the address is and watch my site for changing things!!! Thanks again--bye!!
(t-he!)that's me!! i look really flat there too!?!
That was my book--hehehe!
now i've got my cyber petting zoo!(don't pet them tough...they bite!!!)
he's the 7up guy.....
this guy disapered after me and my friends got to him....
i had to add this one in....
this reminded me to tell you my fav movies (in order from best to bestist)...1-willy wonka...2-rocky horror...3-hairspray...4-the crow :)
this was my mind after making this page....
ever fell like this???....
these look like the rocky horror lips, hehehe!......
i like batman!!!! well, thanks for visting...don't forget to sign the guest book!! BYE!!!!
click here to see my favorite bands
click here to vist my fav. links
click here to see my What Would Marilyn Manson Do? page
click here to vist my Web Page of the Week
click here to see all of the palces i've been to around the world
click here to see my NEW friends page!!
click here to see my famous christmas hair!
click here to see the WM skate team, "Dope"