Maintained by Erdinç Sivritepe

ALTAY ENTERTAIN BUT CAN NOT BREAK SİVAS Altay played good but the Sivas team only came for a draw and got it. Sivas only had 38 per cent of pocession all game, but still resisted to give in. ATSV Downloaded from Yeni Asır. 14/1/2001 12:00 - Altay Alsancak, İzmir - Ref: Musa Eryılmaz Altay GK İzmir 0-0 Sivasspor K Altay: Nihat Tümkaya, Hüseyin Nazlı, Kenan Arayıcı, Serkan Demir, Mehmet Zengin, Gökmen Yıldıran (62' Toprak Kırtoğlu), Yakup Sertkaya, Aytekin Viduşlu, Murat Karakoç, Necati Ateş, Serkan Gültang (67' Bülent Öztürk) Sivas: Abdullah Aslan, Turgay Koçak, Caner Yılmaz, Atilla Çelik, Ekrem Altunkaynak, Yusuf Bayraktar, M.Ali Karabaş, Tahsin Engin, Gökhan Çalışal (58' Hüseyin Özcan), Emin Toplu (90' Ekrem Yaman), Erdal Tanhan (84' Mahmut Hoşgiz) Yellow Cards S: Ekrem Altunkaynak, Atilla Çelik Altay: Black and white striped shirt,black shorts,black socks Sivasspor: White shirts woth red trim,red shorts,white socks Weather conditions: Dull but dry 3' Altay freee kick just outside the area which goalkeeper Abdullah punches away to safety from the kick by Yakup 5' First corner of the game goes to Altay, which Yakup plays short to Murat who delivers a very good cross, only for Serkan Gültang to head wide 10' Sivas have their first shot on goal by Gökhan charged down by Serkan Demir the Altay defender 15' Another Altay attack and a very good cross by Murat to the back post drops onto the crossbar 18' Sivas get a free kick 30 yards out but it is cleared easily 21' Mistake by Kenan lets Emin for Sivas to chase the ball in the area but goalkeeper Nihat races off his line to gather 23' Necati has a long range effort for Altay but it goes wide 25' Yakup for Altay shoots from 30 yards straight at goalkeeper Abdullah 26' Aytekin has a go from 25 yards and it goes wide 30' Altay free kick outside the box creates a chance but Serkan Gültang shoots straight at Abdullah 32' Sivas get another chance but the shot by Gökhan from 30 yards goes over the bar 33' Sivas get their first corner and it is a poor one and caught easy by the goalkeeper Nihat 36' Another Altay corner and as it comes in Murat shoots wide 38' A quick break by Sivas and Tahsin runs and shoots wide when he had two team mates in better positions 43' Tahsin again shoots from 35 yards straight at Nihat 45' A good run by Emin for Sivas. He crosses and Tahsin shoots over Duration of half 46m 06 49' Altay free kick just outside the area. It is taken by Mehmet Zengin and Serkan Gültang shoots wide 56' Gökmen for Altay shoots inside the are and is charged down by a diving arm of a Sivas defender and his appeal for a penalty is turned down 60' Kenan shoots for Altay and is blocked by Turgay and the ball runs loose to Necati and he shoots and Abdullah makes a good save 63' Sivas attack again but the final shot from Atilla goes way over 67' Atilla receives a yellow card for a late tackle 70' Erdal runs onto Yusuf's long pass for Sivas and again Nihat is quick off his line to save at his feet 75' Altay press forward again and a cross by Hüseyin finds Necati who heads at Abdullah 78' Altay come again and Murat shot from 30 yards goes over 79' Altay get two corners in the space of this minute but waste both 81' Sivas sub Hüseyin makes a quick break and crosses to Emin, but his shot never troubles Nihat 86' Aytekin of Altay gets a yellow card for not retrieving 10 yards on a Sivas free kick 87' Turgay makes a very good tackle in the 6 yard area to stop Toprak scoring for Altay 88' Murat again has a long shot for Altay but it goes over 89' Bülent for Altay shoots in the area and Abdullah makes a very good one handed save 90' Last shot of the game goes to Altay when Aytekin shoots over Duration of half: 47 min 50 sec Ball posession: ALTAY 62% SİVAS 38% Crowd rating: 5 Ref rating:Musa Eryılmaz 8 MVP of the game goes to Hüseyin Nazlı of Altay who gave a very good performance all round Entertainment value: ALTAY 8 SİVAS 2 To sum up: Altay just could not find a way past Sivas who crowded out the goal area with 9 players and Altay have proved that they could be in the reckoning at the end even though thay only got a point Sivas have only one word to call their performance and that is dismal. They even brought about 300 fans to the game and they never made a noise till the end of the game when they thought they had won a European trophy but all they got was a undeserving point
Prepared and maintained by Mark Willoughby and Erdinç Sivritepe. Author: Mark Willoughby Editor: Erdinç Sivritepe (C) Copyright Mark Willoughby, Erdinç Sivritepe and Turkish Soccer You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All rights reserved.
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