	Maintained by Erdinç Sivritepe

All Turkish Teams for 2000-2001
These pages will examine the Turkish teams by the administrative districts of Turkey. There are 81 districts, which are calle "İl", in Turkey. At first we are going to tally the number of teams by the districts. For each İl, there will be two figures, the first one giving the total number of professional teams, the other amateur teams. The professional teams are the teams playing in the 1.league, 2.league, and 3.League structures. The amateur teams covers all the rest. The teams playing in the amateur league structures of each İl, the youth teams (some plays at country level, some at region level, and some at İl level), and the women teams. 5372 teams have registered licenses at the beginning of the year. 204 of these are playing in the professional leagues and 5168 in other leagues. During the year, the licenses of some of the clubs were cancelled. 5372 was the initial figure. The districts with most professional teams: (6 or more) İstanbul 28, Ankara 14, İzmir 9, Kocaeli 6. The districts with no professional teams: Ardahan, Bartın, Burdur, Kars, Sinop, Tunceli The districts with most amateur teams: (150 or more) İstanbul 518, İzmir 243, Ankara 175, Bursa 171, Aydın 164 The districts with least amateur teams: (less than 20 teams) Kilis 8, Tunceli 10, Ardahan 12, Hakkari 16, Artvin, Bartın, and Sinop 17, Siirt 18, Kars 19 The full list: Adana 7 76 Adıyaman 1 39 Afyonkarahisar 1 105 Ağrı 3 35 Aksaray 1 29 Amasya 2 33 Ankara 14 175 Antalya 5 92 Ardahan - 12 Artvin 1 17 Aydın 3 164 Balıkesir 4 139 Bartın - 17 Batman 4 26 Bayburt 1 21 Bilecik 1 36 Bingöl 1 24 Bitlis 1 25 Bolu 2 26 Burdur - 36 Bursa 5 171 Çanakkale 3 87 Çankırı 1 22 Çorum 1 49 Denizli 1 81 Diyarbakır 4 37 Düzce 2 60 Edirne 1 57 Elazığ 2 40 Erzincan 1 39 Erzurum 1 48 Eskişehir 3 61 Gaziantep 3 57 Giresun 2 42 Gümüşhane 1 25 Hakkari 3 91 Hatay 3 91 Iğdır 1 33 Isparta 1 53 İçel 4 87 İstanbul 28 518 İzmir 9 243 Kahramanmaraş 1 41 Karabük 1 21 Karaman 1 22 Kars - 19 Kastamonu 1 34 Kayseri 3 87 Kırıkkale 2 27 Kırklareli 2 70 Kırşehir 1 37 Kilis 1 8 Kocaeli 6 147 Konya 4 100 Kütahya 1 121 Malatya 2 47 Manisa 5 148 Mardin 2 31 Muğla 5 56 Muş 1 25 Nevşehir 1 48 Niğde 1 21 Ordu 2 40 Osmaniye 1 23 Rize 3 62 Sakarya 2 119 Samsun 3 95 Siirt 2 18 Sinop - 17 Sivas 2 45 Şanlıurfa 2 52 Şırnak 2 18 Tekirdağ 2 84 Tokat 2 31 Trabzon 5 94 Tunceli - 10 Uşak 1 74 Van 1 34 Yalova 1 45 Yozgat 1 36 Zonguldak 3 117
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