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Turkish Clubs

Konyaspor K

Konyaspor Kulübü

Zafer Meydaný, Zafer Çarþýsý, Kat:3

Tel: (332) 353 1522 - 350 9991-9992
Fax: (332) 353 6863

Established: 1965 * - Please see the bottom of the page
Venue: Atatürk Stadyumu, Konya

Web: http://www.konyaspor.org.tr/

The Success Stories

No major achievements yet

Haven't played in any UEFA Cups yet

Turkish Leagues
will play at top level for the 8th time in 05-06

	Top Level
	  Years at top level: 8
		 Best finish: 7th - 1 time
		Worst Finish: 16th - 1 time
		 Biggest Win: 8-0 Demirspor K Adana 91-92 (H)
		Biggest Loss: 0-8 MKE Ankaragücü SK 92-93 (A)
	   No of Relegations: 1 time
	2nd Level * - Please see the bottom of the page
	  Years at top level: 30
		 Best finish: 1st - 2 times
		Worst Finish: 16th - 2 times
	    No of Promotions: 2 times
	   No of Relegations: 2 times
	3rd Level * - Please see the bottom of the page
	  Years at top level: 3
		 Best finish: 1st - 1 time
		Worst Finish: 6th - 1 time
	    No of Promotions: 2 times
	   No of Relegations: None

	3-points-a-win rule started with 87-88 season

	   P    G    W	 D   L	   F	A	% 
	Top Level
	 263  228   68	59 101	 289  381	0.385 - 263/684 - 3-points-a-win
	2nd Level * - Please see the bottom of the page
	 593  584  214 165 205	 593  620	0.508 - 593/1168 - 2-points-a-win
	 641  377  186	83 108	 603  413	0.567 - 641/1131 - 3-points-a-win
	1234  961  400 248 313	1196 1033	0.537 - 1234/2299 - Overall
	3rd Level * - Please see the bottom of the page
	 120   96   51	18  27	 161   78	0.625 - 120/192 - 2-points-a-win

	 713  680  265 183 232	 754  698	0.524 - 713/1360 - 2-points-a-win
	 904  605  254 142 209	 892  794	0.498 - 904/1815 - 3-points-a-win
	1617 1285  519 325 441	1646 1492	0.509 - 1617/3175 - Overall

	Details * - Please see the bottom of the page
	3-points-a-win rule started with 87-88 season

	 Year Lig Stg Grp   P  G  W  D  L   F	A  Finish
	65-66  2   -  Whi  16 20  6  4 10  30  28  9	Konyaspor K
	66-67  2   -  Whi  28 30 10  8 12  28  44  9	Konyaspor K
	67-68  2   -  Whi  36 38 13 10 15  39  55 11	Konyaspor K
	68-69  2   -  Whi  30 34 11  8 15  33  39 16	Konyaspor K
	69-70  3   -  Whi  49 40 20  9 11  69  28  6	Konyaspor K
	70-71  3   -  Whi  46 28 21  4	3  61  17  1	Konyaspor K
	71-72  2   -  Red  28 30  9 10 11  21  24  9	Konyaspor K
	72-73  2   -  Red  31 30 11  9 10  24  20  4	Konyaspor K
	73-74  2   -  Red  32 30 10 12	8  27  27  6	Konyaspor K
	74-75  2   -  Red  26 30  9  8 13  20  32 13	Konyaspor K
	75-76  2   -  Red  32 30 11 10	9  23  19  3	Konyaspor K
	76-77  2   -  Red  27 30  9  9 12  20  34 10	Konyaspor K
	77-78  2   -  Red  30 32 11  8 13  34  36  9	Konyaspor K
	78-79  2   -  Red  17 30  5  7 18  15  49 16	Konyaspor K
	79-80  3   -   A   25 28 10  5 13  31  33  5	Konyaspor K
	80-81  2   -   A   31 34 12  7 15  32  44 11	Konyaspor K
	81-82  2   -   C   31 28  9 13	6  28  25  4	Konyaspor K
	82-83  2   -   C   28 30  9 10 11  24  31  9	Konyaspor K
	83-84  2   -   B   32 32 11 10 11  33  34  8	Konyaspor K
	84-85  2   -   B   39 30 15  9	6  46  32  2	Konyaspor K
	85-86  2   -   A   43 32 20  3	9  54  33  4	Konyaspor K
	86-87  2   -   C   56 34 23 10	1  62  14  2	Konyaspor K
	87-88  2   -   C   65 32 19  8	5  49  27  1	Konyaspor K
	88-89  1   -   -   46 36 14  4 18  43  59  8	Konyaspor K
	89-90  1   -   -   46 34 13  7 14  41  42  7	Konyaspor K
	90-91  1   -   -   34 30 10  4 16  33  45 12	Konyaspor K
	91-92  1   -   -   32 30  8  8 14  28  34 12	Konyaspor K
	92-93  1   -   -   16 30  2 10 18  29  85 16	Konyaspor K
	93-94  2  1-2  3   60 32 18  6	8  60  31  1	Konyaspor K
	       2   3  1/8   0  1  0  0	1   2	3  -
	94-95  2  1-2  3   45 32 12  9 11  40  42  5	Konyaspor K
	95-96  2   1   3   34 18 11  1	6  28  17  2	Konyaspor K
	       2   2  Pro  15 18  4  3 11  14  31 10
	96-97  2  1-2  3   49 32 14  7 11  53  33  1	Konyaspor K
	       2   3  1/8   0  1  0  0	1   0	3  -
	97-98  2  1-2  1   53 32 14 11	7  51  29  2	Konyaspor K
	98-99  2  1-2  1   41 32 11  8 13  40  51  6	Konyaspor K
	99-00  2   1   1   39 18 12  3	3  34  10  2	KOMBASAN Konyaspor K
	       2   2  Pro  30 18  9  3	6  25  22  5
	       2   3  1/4   4  2  1  1	0   4	2  -
	00-01  2   1   1   36 18 11  3	4  41  18  1	KOMBASAN Konyaspor K
	       2   2  Pro  33 18 10  3	5  37  21  3
	       2   3  1/8   1  1  0  1	0   0	0  -
	01-02  2A  -   -   68 38 20  8 10  70  45  5	Konyaspor K
	02-03  2A  -   -   68 34 20  8	6  55  28  1	Konyaspor K
	03-04  1   -   -   44 34 10 14 10  53  54 11	Konyaspor K
	04-05  1   -   -   45 34 11 12 11  62  62  8	Konyaspor K

*** Konya and Ýdman Yurdu merge: ***
Konyaspor K merged with Ýdman Yurdu SK Konya in 1981. The merged club was named after Konyaspor but used the uniform colours of Ýdman Yurdu. Original black-white uniforms changed to green-white. Most of the records show the club's establishment as 1981.
The stats above show the individual records of Konyaspor. Please see below for Ýdman Yurdu SK Konya's stats.

Ýdman Yurdu Spor Kulübü Konya

Turkish Leagues

	2nd Level
	  Years at top level: 10
		 Best finish: 5th - 1 time
		Worst Finish: 18th - 1 time
	    No of Promotions: None
	   No of Relegations: 1 time (80-81)
	3rd Level
	  Years at top level: 4
		 Best finish: 1st - 1 time
		Worst Finish: 9th - 1 time
	    No of Promotions: 1 time
	   No of Relegations: None

	All games were played with the 2-points-a-win rule

	2nd Level
	 265  302   86	93 123	 260  313	0.439 - 265/604 - 2-points-a-win
	3rd Level
	 157  126   63	31  32	 163   87	0.623 - 157/252 - 2-points-a-win

	 422  428  149 124 155	 423  400	0.493 - 422/856 - 2-points-a-win

	All games were played with the 2-points-a-win rule

	 Year Lig Stg Grp   P  G  W  D  L   F	A  Finish
	67-68  3   -   -   35 32 14  7 11  38  30  7	Ýdman Yurdu SK Konya
	68-69  3   -  Whi  22 26  7  8 11  20  22  9	Ýdman Yurdu SK Konya
	69-70  3   -  Whi  54 40 21 12	7  45  20  3	Ýdman Yurdu SK Konya
	70-71  3   -  Gre  46 28 21  4	3  60  15  1	Ýdman Yurdu SK Konya
	71-72  2   -  Whi  28 30 10  8 12  33  35 10	Ýdman Yurdu SK Konya
	72-73  2   -  Whi  31 30  9 13	8  21  20  6	Ýdman Yurdu SK Konya
	73-74  2   -  Whi  26 30  7 12 11  16  21 14	Ýdman Yurdu SK Konya
	74-75  2   -  Whi  27 30 10  7 13  26  31 14	Ýdman Yurdu SK Konya
	75-76  2   -  Whi  24 30  8  8 14  25  35 15	Ýdman Yurdu SK Konya
	76-77  2   -  Whi  29 30 12  5 13  31  28  7	Ýdman Yurdu SK Konya
	77-78  2   -  Whi  30 30  9 12	9  29  30  5	Ýdman Yurdu SK Konya
	78-79  2   -  Whi  24 28  8  8 12  28  33 14	Ýdman Yurdu SK Konya
	79-80  2   -   A   27 30 10  7 13  33  37 11	Ýdman Yurdu SK Konya
	80-81  2   -   A   19 34  3 13 18  18  43 18	Ýdman Yurdu SK Konya
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