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Fluffy The Magical Flying Purple Cow's Local Band Emporium

Updated December 8, 2002

Lyrics of the Week:

"Back to school! Back to school!
Prove to Dad I am no fool!
Lunch packed up, boots tied tight!
Hope we all get in a fight!"

- "Back to School" by Filthy Poor

Hi I'm Fluffy the Magical Flying Purple Cow.

This page is up to show all of the bands from the New Jersey, Delaware, and Philadelphia area, no matter what type of music they play.

Voorhees/Cherry Hill/Gibbsboro/Berlin Scene
Featuring bands from the Eastern High School/ Cherry Hill area!

South Jersey Ska
In a suprising turn of events, ska's not dead

Local Bands
Links to a trillion and a half NJ, Delaware, and PA bands

Gian Chung of Drive-Thru Pharmacy takes on the sophmore jinks of the interviews section. Lot's of juicy details inside!

Other Local Scene Pages, Record Labels, and Random Scene Stuff
Self Explanitory

South Jersey Ska Message Board
Place for all the scenesters to swap recipes for spam

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