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My Son

Things My Son Enjoys Doing

I have only one child. He is five years old. He is left handed. He has blonde hair.

When he does not go to school he says that it is a "blank day".

One of our cats (Shadow) does not like him and will hiss and growl at him.

He has a favorite teddy on his bed that one of his Aunts gave him. He plays with his cousin often and they are like brothers when they get together.

His favorite TV show is "Rugrats" he likes to watch it every day. This seems to have replaced the many "Barney" videos he used to watch. He likes the Disney movies "Aristocats", "Oliver and Company", and of course "Toy Story".

His favorite toys are vehicles. His Hess gas station truck and Shop Rite truck along with many little cars are what he likes to play with on the living room floor. He has a toy gas station. He used to use a push toy as his vacuum cleaner and pretend to plug it in and use it. He even made sound effects for it too.

He really likes music and has a cassette tape player and tapes for it.

When he meets another child somewhere he always asks "How many is he/she?" meaning how old. Until recently when you would ask him how old he is he would hold up his fingers and say "these many". He says "My want" instead of "I want".

Not long ago he used to say that he did something or went somewhere a long time ago when he was a baby. Sometimes he likes to watch himself on the home video tapes and there are a lot of them.

He is a "backseat driver" when we are in the car. He always asks me to "go past Granny's work" after we leave her house. He also likes it when someone will "beep the horn" when leaving.

He has played Tee-Ball and Soccer and Basketball at the local YMCA.

He knows how to write his name. Instead of saying boy starts with b he says b starts with boy. He always says "this day" for today. He is interested in telling time.

He liked the movie "A Bug's Life".

He has a real big stuffed bumble bee he likes a lot.

He says "ever what" instead of whatever and the same with "ever who".

Click below to see how good looking he is

Pictures of My Son
