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SPECIAL PARENT - A support page for parents of special needs children

Hi - My name is Jane and I am a single mother who has three special needs daughters. I know how difficult it can be to be a parent of a special needs child, and I am creating this page to help give support to those of us out there who can not always attend a support group meeting but CAN access the Internet. My qualifications to give support are as follows: not only am I a parent of special children, but I also have an MA in Counseling, Guidance and Human Services, and have completed half of a graduate program for certification in Teaching of the Handicapped. This page is for you - so email me your requests, your comments, and use the links to get the support you need. I hope this will be a help to some of you - and please write me to let me know you visited. In the future I plan to add a page which will contain pictures of myself and my three daughters, who are Shannon, 13, Shivonne, 7 and Shinae 6. My daughters' handicaps are as follows: Shannon is autistic and has Tourette's Syndrome. Shivonne has ADD, Bi-Polar disorder and is hearing impaired, low frequency loss in her right ear. Shinae has PDD or mild autistic disorder, hypotonia, and has high frequency hearing loss in her left ear. SOOO - come and take part in our support page - and I hope we can be of help, even just to listen to your frustrations. It is not easy being a "special parent", but the joys are great too.

How to use this page:

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Cure Autism Now
Support for BiPolars and their Families
Mental Health Net
Poetry and comments from parents of special children and special needs people/Beautiful Works!
Federal Resource Center for Special Education
ADD Treatment and Research Center
Maddux Special Education Home Page
KidSource OnLine
SERI, Special Education Resources on the Internet
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries Page - find words of inspiration to lift you up and encourage you
ANGELS - I love angels - go to this page to make inspirational angel postcards,view many types of angel pictures, and hear beautiful music
