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The 2011 Hidden Valley Closed Invitational Golf Classic

Flatbrook Tap House Party Photos

A "Special" Award was given to Jimbo in recognition of his entertaining us for so many years.  Thanks Jimbo!



Team Tom Howes - Werlick is recognized!  Nice job!

Jimbo wins the golf bag and gives it to brother John.  What a nice guy.

Buffy, Amy, Jack & Mike enjoy the party with Buffy!

Tom and the Volkanator welcome Jeremy to his first HV Closed.

Everyone's having fun at the party.

Buffy catches John toasting "Another rotten day in Heaven".

Nancy says "Who is this new girl Richina?"

... maybe shes a friend of John and Angie Resh?

Think they enjoyed the day?  (too bad this photo is a bit out of focus)

The party goers watch the Awards ceremony.

John gets some help from that cutie Richina.

A role reversal -  Richies says "Think we ought to do this again next year?"

Elaine helps with the raffle.  Thanks Elaine & Carl for another fun day!

"The Bo" sings a few HV Closed favorites.  Thanks Bo.

Tom and the Easter Bunny celebrate a fun day.

John explains "The Poppa Lou Affect"   Thanks Poppa Lou for keeping us dry!


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