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JWA now is in production of streaming still-picture presentations! Much like WWF and WCW does Monday nights after PPV's, a recap of all the main action of matches through still pictures will now be available on JWA! Streaming,.....which means no download time. You must have, however, a free version of realplayer G2! All big JWA matches will eventually be available. This offers a wonderful way for fans to check us out, as well as see which video cassettes they would like to purchase. JUST CLICK HERE to see a recap of the Graza/Crimson Ghost feud

The JWA is working on it's 10th year of performance, and by no means is it a new federation. The New Revolution refers to the new young talent the JWA is producing as well as the new look of our webpage. E-mail us or sign the guestbook and let us know what you think.

JWA Show Results
JWA Pictures
JWA Superstars
JWA Job Squad

Sign our Guestbook
View our Guestbook

The Junior Wrestling Association....

..... has become a haven for some of the most up and coming young superstars in the world of wrestling. Based in Beachwood NJ, these young wrestlers have created a medium in which they can perform more frequently. Using a tramp and other equipment, the JWA raises the bar of excellence as well as expectation. Many JWA wrestlers are signed to a low-key indy federation known as the JPWA, based in Conn, and in conjunction with Larry Sharpe's Monster Factory of Woodbury, NJ.




Founded for a paralyzed young man named Thomas Mejia, the Jpwa raises funds with hopes in easing the burden of medical billing for the Mejia family. Boasting such names as ECW's Balls Mahoney, the JPWA is no every day federation. It has the heart of true humanitarianes, and the might of chair swingin' freaks!!!

Visit JPWA : J.P.W.A.



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Who's the Best?
Who is the Best Wrestler in the J.W.A.?

Crimson Ghost
El Stogie
The Lady Killer Adam Stevens

Current Results