BIG ADDITION TO THE JWA EXPERIENCE!!! JWA now is in production of streaming still-picture presentations! Much like WWF and WCW does Monday nights after PPV's, a recap of all the main action of matches through still pictures will now be available on JWA! Streaming,.....which means no download time. You must have, however, a free version of realplayer G2! All big JWA matches will eventually be available. This offers a wonderful way for fans to check us out, as well as see which video cassettes they would like to purchase. JUST CLICK HERE to see a recap of the Graza/Crimson Ghost feud
JWA Show Results |
The Junior Wrestling Association....
________________________________ JPWAFounded for a paralyzed young man named Thomas Mejia, the Jpwa raises funds with hopes in easing the burden of medical billing for the Mejia family. Boasting such names as ECW's Balls Mahoney, the JPWA is no every day federation. It has the heart of true humanitarianes, and the might of chair swingin' freaks!!! Visit JPWA : J.P.W.A. ________________________________