
Mickey riding Dezi, 1996
Desert Image is a wonderful bay Arabian pony that was at my old farm. When I first bought D.J., in 1995, Dezi was one of about 3 horses a family owned. Their boy Mikey rode him most of the time. He has so much personality, a lot like J.R. A lot of people said Dezi was like a human in a horse body. He could be ridden all over in just a halter and lead line, and he flew through barrel racing and pole bending. After some time, Dezi was moved to a new farm. A few months later, I showed up at the farm to find Dezi in one of the stalls-a few hundred pounds underweight. Apparently, the owners stopped paying board to the farm they had moved to, so the farm owner stopped feeding him. Mickey, one of the boarders at the farm I was at, happened to stop at the other farm. She saw Dezi, extremely malnurished, without a drop of water or a wisp of hay. Coincidently, she had owned him about 5 years prior to this, so she knew what kind of horse he was. She bought him almost on the spot. Dezi pulled through, and Mickey was doing wonderfully with him, riding both English and Western. She sold him several months later. Dezi is now owned by a little girl who shows with him. They do wonderfully together.
Horses I Have Known