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King O' Links

Remember you heard it here first folks! These are all excellent sites. Doctor approved or money back!!

Fun Sites

All the things that you will never need to know, but as your attorney, I advise you to take a look anyway!


Links to some online and off line games


My favorite bands, cheap ('n excellent) online music stores, music databases ect...


A few chatrooms I've been in and they are fun.

It's The End Of The World As We Know It

End of times sites...(Yes I believe in Doomsday!)

Head Candy

Information on drugs and stories from our teachers.


Stuff that has to do with health. PS: No it's not boring!


My favorite shows on TV and favorite channels

Liquor and Beer

Liquors and beers I like

Friends Homepage

Friends homepage....The opinions expressed in these pages have nothing to do with what I like and believe!


Funny pages and links to comedians and actors I love

Religious Visions

Christianity Visions


Art,poets, poems, poetry sites and writer/composer I love.

Weird Sh*t

Weird sites. The people that made these websites can be in my posse anytime!!!

Please come back often because I will add more!

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