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Here is what I had to do in order to marry Ray and stay in the US. I am a canadian citizen and Ray is american. Since we had decided that I would move there and marry Ray in NJ he had to file for a K-1 visa (Fiance visa) at the INS(Immigration and Naturalization Services) office in New Jersey. So this is step one! Now here are all the forms you will need to fill out and what you need to get together (documents) in order to file these forms.

1. File form I-129F which is a petition for Alien Fiance. The fee to file that is 75$US

2. Form I-865A which is Biographic Information for both citizen and alien. In that sheet they ask you general questions like name, sex, place of birth, parent's names, where you've lived in the past 5 yrs, former husband's/wive's name....

Now before you file for a K-1 visa you will need to build up your case! The documents you need to get this on the road are : 1-for the citizen:

For the fiance:

You will also need to prove your relationship:

After all this has been filed it takes about 2-3 months to get a response from the INS. If the visa is approved the citizen then gets a letter stating the visa's approval. The Alien will then receive a letter from the consulate stating that they received the file for a request of a K-1 Visa. In that same letter the consulate asks the Alien to get a few documents together and to send this form back when the alien has all the documents in hand. Here are the documents will you need to get together if you are the alien: