Special thanks to .....
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Special thanks to .....

Thank you


If it werent for these three people this web site would be even worse than it is right now .

Id like to thank.....

Yamcha: for keeping me up and giving me info on sailor moon ( he is the sailor moon dictionary ask him) . And also for just being there to talk to for no reason .

Twinks: for giving me insperation to keep up with this Web Master deal and um.. Twinks keep the notes comming ok? Thanx

Crashproof: if it werent for him I would not have any pictures up. And if it werent for him I would not have started this page and also I would have probly lost the interest in getting one. So to Crashproof I am deaply in debt.

Michelle:for being my personal psychologist and trying so hard to help me it even probly made her need help .

I am sure the list will grow later


Email: mlant09@bellsouth.net