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SCA Related E-mail Lists

AEthelmearc    Ansteorra    An Tir    Artemisia    Atenveldt    Atlantia    Caid    Calontir    Drachenwald    Ealdormere    East    Lochac    Meridies    Middle    Outlands    Trimaris    West
Specialty lists

How to Turn OFF HTML or RTF in Various E-mail Software Programs.
    An easy to read guide compliments of RootsWeb explains how to turn off special formatting options available in several
    popular email programs and why you should turn these options off when posting to mailing lists.

If you know of any additions/corrections feel free e-mail me

standard disclaimer


West Virgina, western Pennsylvania, and western New York

send a request to   with subject of SUBSCRIBE.
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most of Texas, Oklahoma
OR: (a list of mailing lists within the Kingdom of Ansteorra)
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An Tir

US: Oregon, Washington, the northern tip of Idaho

Canada: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Yukon, and the Northwest Territories

The Cathedral Steps is the general An Tir mailing list, Inside the Cathedral is a general-topic forum for the discussion of matters concerning the Middle Ages, the SCA, and the  Kingdom of An Tir. Unlike the open and chatty atmosphere of the Steps however, the Cathedral discussions are more focused. Traffic is low but
steady. We also highly recommend subscribing to steps-announce.composed of two portions, steps and steps-announce. The first two are for general
conversation, and the latter is for announcements only. (steps-announce is moderated; ie. all  messages are approved by the list administrators before they are
sent to the list.) If you don't have much time for email, but want to be kept appraised of major happenings in An Tir, then steps-announce is for you. If you want
it all, then subscribe to all three lists - announcements are generally sent ONLY to steps-announce!
To join one of the An Tir mailing lists send an e-mail message to the list administration program
at "". The subject line is ignored. In the body of your message, tell
majordomo which lists you want to subscribe to.
The following example shows the commands to subscribe to steps and steps-announce and cathedral.
     Subject: NONE
    body of message =
    subscribe steps or
    subscribe steps-announce or
    subscribe cathedral
You should receive a response back shortly. Requests to subscribe to restricted lists must be
approved by the list-owners.
OR:      a list of mailing lists within the Kingdom
 top of page


southern Idaho, most of Utah, western Colorado, Wyoming, Montana

 The Artemisia mailing list - aka: The Aerie The Premier source of Artemisian discussion.


Arizona, small bits of Utah and California
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Maryland, most of Virginia, North and South Carolina, piece of Georgia

The Merry Rose Tavern at Cheapside. Here at the Merry Rose you can find people from all parts of the Kingdom of
Atlantia discussing whatever they feel like. You too can join in the discussions.
To join in, just e-mail with no subject, and a body consisting only of subscribe atlantia.
Then to send a message to everyone at the Merry Rose, send it to .
To contact the list owners, send e-mail to .
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Southern California, Greater Las Vegas Area, Hawaii, and New Zealand
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Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Northern Arkansas

Mail the following message to :
           subscribe calontir <your_name>
<your_name> being the name you want to appear with your post to the list. (TD: It would be nice if this was your SCA
 name. hint, hint.)
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Europe, Africa, Middle East

subscribe at
Other Mailing lists and news servers in Drachenwald
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Ontario, Canada

E_List, the mailing list dedicated to the discussion of topics of interest to members of the Society For Creative Anachronism in the
Province of Ontario, Canada, known in the Society as the Principality of Ealdormere. Please read there Netiquette page at for subscription link
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US: eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, eastern New York, The New England states
In Canada: Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland.
The general discussion list for the East Kingdom.
Directions - To subscribe send an e-mail message of 'subscribe sca-east' to .
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Georgia (nearly all of), Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas (most of), Tennessee, a bit of the panhandle of Florida, and small portions of both Kentucky and Virgina

Many native Meridians number among the computer literate. Often times many a matter of Kingdom policy or social mores are settled in the Tavern Yard, the unofficial Meridian kingdom maillist server. If you would like to drop by the Tavern Yard, go to

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US: Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, a nip of Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North and South Dakota.
Canada: Manitoba, and a bit of Ontario

The Middlebridge is the electronic mailing list of the Middle Kingdom.
 To subscribe to the Middlebridge
send an e-mail to with "subscribe sca-middle" as
it's body.
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New Mexico, most of Colorado, parts of Wyoming and Nebraska, and El Paso and Hudspeth counties of Texas

Outlands Discussion List
To subscribe to the Outlands Discussion List over the Internet, send mail to:
with the only information in the body of the message being:
subscribe outlands Yourfirstname Yourlastname
Currently the mailing list is maintained by Kilmar Helpwitch ( Matt Anderson ) and Kathryn of Iveragh (Kathryn Ballard ) here at the
University of New Mexico.
To unsubscribe, send mail to:
with the only information in the body of the message being:
unsubscribe outlands
Send messages to:
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Majority of Florida, Panama, and Antarctica

To join send an email to with subscribe trimaris in the body of the message

OR click here to use the online form that is now available for joining any of the kingdom mailing lists.

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West Kingdom

Northern California and Nevada, Alaska, Australia, Japan, Korea and Pacific Rim

    How to Turn OFF HTML or RTF in Various E-mail Software Programs.
    An easy to read guide compliments of RootsWeb explains how to turn off special formatting options available in several
    popular email programs and why you should turn these options off when posting to mailing lists.
West Kingdom Listserv

Maintainer: Raven of Drakken Heim
If you would like to subscribe to this list: 1. visit

Kingdom Related Mailing Lists

Specialty Lists

   SCA lists on Yahoo!
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created & maintained by
Wilthain Westbram
Carillion, East Kingdom
Wingedwolf Gypsy Clan

Thats LORD Wilthain-WooHoo!

Please don't change subject line

This is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and does not delineate SCA policies. In cases of conflict with printed versions of material presented on this page or its links, the dispute will be decided in favor of the printed version. Some of the links from our pages, if followed, will lead you to merchants and other commercial operations. We do not recommend, refer, authorize, warrant, or commission any of these merchants, and links to them from other pages we link to do not imply any such relationship. We do not warrant or authorize any information contained on any pages or link
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