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The Hurst Family from Jacksonville N C

The Hurst Family Of North Carolina!

Lewis Hurst was the slave of William Hogan Hurst.   He was in the house of ? (store owner) according to the 1870 census.  Other black or mulatto members of the household included the following surnames:
Montford, Hurst(another family), and Washington.
He had the following two children with Hannah Shepard:
Albert Hurst dob ?  dod? M. Niecy Pollock dob? dod?
Father of: Andrew Hurst dob? dod? M.?
Father of:



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Some of the information regarding the Hurst family of African American descent is based on interviews with K B Hurst. Information regarding the Caucasian Hurst and Fonville families is derived from the publication "The Heritage of Onslow County 1983".