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About Me...My Family...Friends...My Poetry....

I've known Peggy pretty much since i've been on the internet. She is a fabulous person with many talents. One of which is poetry. The following is one of her poems. Above in the scrolling marquee you can see Peggy's homepage address. I encourage you to go see it and read more of her poetry.

Mr. Special is a man, strong, bold and subtle, and if you give him your heart, he'll return it as much as double. for he is a human with morals, gifts and standards. His eyes will shine like diamonds,and his heart soft as putty. so if he says it more than once , you'll know it's as good as money. Now, his heart has been broken, and his soul quite so torn. That man's worth the waitin', and for love it is told. For that special man does exist, in heaven and in bliss. the stars keep shining and the fire is blazin', it's you " My Sweetheart, " that is amazing!!