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Join the adventure of Troop 192

Small Boy Scouts of America Logo

To join Troop 192, you must

  • be at least 11 years old, or be at least 10 1/2 years old and have earned the Arrow of Light
  • or
  • have completed the fifth grade, or
  • but not yet 18 years old

After joining, by the time of your induction into Troop 192, you must be able to

  • repeat the Pledge of Allegiance
  • demonstrate the Scout sign, salute, and handshake
  • demonstrate tying the square knot (joining knot)
  • understand and agree to live by the Scout Oath, the Scout Law, the motto, the slogan, and the Outdoor Code
  • describe the Scout badge
  • complete the exercises in the pamphlet in the front of your new Scout Handbook
  • participate in a Scoutmaster conference

If you earned the Arrow of Light, you have mastered most of these requirements. If you have not earned the Arrow of Light, the Troop Guide, one of our Scouts, will teach you the joining requirements to earn your Scout badge. Afterwards, the Troop Guide will help you learn the Scout skills you will need to earn your Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class badges.

The following items are required before we can register you in Troop 192:

  • completed and signed Boy Scout Application
  • Class 1/2 Medical Form
  • Money for registration (amount depends on the month you register, check with the Scoutmaster)

Please note that summer camp requires a Scout to have had a physical examination by a doctor within 3 years. If you have had a physical, please have the doctor fill out the back of the medical form. If not, please have your parent or guardian fill out the front of the form anyway and turn it in; it provides us with a medical release for any troop outing. Before your physical, we can provide you with an additional form for the doctor to fill out.

In addition to the above items, we also require that your parent or guardian fill out the following items:

  • completed and signed Adult Application (at least one adult per family)

These forms will allow the Troop Committee and the Scouts to know what special talents your parent or guardian can bring to the Troop and the program.

To become a member of Troop 192, you will need to obtain a Scout shirt and the Boy Scout Handbook.

Last Revised 4/4/99.