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Well, we're back from camping. . . seems so many of my friends here find in hard to believe that I do camp, in a tent, without running water on my site, without electricity and most of all without access to my computer.

Lying there under a full orange moon, Jupiter so visible you can almost see the rivers with the naked eye, the wonderful sounds in such a peaceful night . .the air just crisp enough for a light jacket. . the most glorious food you've ever tasted . .and friends that you only get to visit once a year . .same time same place . .I just don't understand how it is so hard to see how I would love this . .

Then I sit here . .scratching my ankles . .no amount of Off could have helped . .(and for you campers . .no not even Skin So Soft did the trick) knowing it would take two hours to start a fire and have my coffee perculate before I was even able to take a sip . . the bathrooms, of which there were only two showers and two stalls, a 5 minute walk away . .no swimming (i dumped out the contents of two Rubbermaid tubs and filled them for the kids . .they didn't know the difference) . .the lake is contiminated, and 3 very dirty children
all of this . .with a broken arm . . HEHEHEHEH

But even with all of that . .and by the way, the day we left two tornadoes touched down on the camp ground as well, Yes the good far outweighs the bad.

We have forged friendships there that are irreplacable. . I reminisce everytime I go . . and it takes me back to when I was a child . My mother burning everything she made on the grill and my father having to fix it. (Oh no, cereal again for dinner??) Sitting by the waterfalls . . it so inviting that we would kick off our shoes and go in - sitting in this one perfect spot between the rocks . .letting the water fall down over our backs. We fought for that spot. Smoking behind the bathrooms so that we weren't caught . .wondering who would hook up with whom and how long the summer romance would last.

But today I am glad to be home . .the storms were frightening and I needed my garden tub to soak in . .the warm water after cold showers, that I had to share with 3 big spiders and a swarm of mosquitos, was a warm welcome. I only have 10 loads of laundry to do and a sink full of dishes . .
so if you don't see me on chat for a bit you know it's because I am busy . .a weeks worth of cleaning after 4 days of camping . .

Yes, still worth it.

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