
WelcOme!! hErE arE sUm piKz oF mE and maH friEnds, mOre will cOme laTer!
*tEe~hEhE* iM LauRen aKa tYger•BeatZ =0)
tHis piK paGe creaTed on oKtoBer 21, 1999 PLUR!

°BAk hOmE°
°pAgE 2 of piKz°
°pAgE 3 of PiKz°
°pAgE 4 of PiKz--NEWEST!!°
°pAgE 5 of PiKz--NEWEST!!°
tHis oNe wAs taKen at lYke 2:00am in tha mOrning after i gOt hOme frOm partYin all niTe, it wAs taKen in late sEptEmbEr/eaRly oKtober! yUp maH hAir is blU! theSe aRe alSo moRe noRmal kLotheS!

*on right*this pik was taken in late sept/ early oktober for my friends' company and catalog! this was my first pik but it got deleted and so i decided to put it bak in it's rightful place (even though it was 1st b4)
*bElow*this pik was taken on oktober 23, 1999 at about 1:30 am in tha morning in my house after i came home from caNdEe raVin! =0) can you tell i lyke takin piks late at nyte or earle in tha mornin? lOl that was seriously a fun day and nyte! =)

*directly below* this pik was taken at tha same tyme as tha other one on this page. just a different angle!

*upper right* tEe heE! this pikture is of my friends at my skool's walk-a-thon, aka spirit day. yOu can see hOw much fun we are really havin. lOl. naw but that day was allright, it was fun.. contradictory to many's views. From left to right:
Top: Geri, Palka, b-E-th, Jill
Bottom: mEe *laurEn*, Alex

tEe hEehEe again this is another pikture from tha so called "spirit day" we was just crashing on tha ground and this pik was taken..From left to right these are ma friends:
Top: Geri, Alex, Carla, mEe *laurEn*, Jeannette
Bottom: Palka, Beth, Jill

yEa i knOw what yEw are thinkin.. what tha hell is this kiDd puttin up on her page? a tYger? what is that? well in response, this is ma tYger! his name is nEkOsan ~nEkO~ for short. he's ma babEe bOi and he's been with us for bout 2-3 years nOw. =0)