mOrE pikZ- paGe 3

thEse were takEn either on October 22 or tha 29 in tha year 1999 *not sure of exact date* in hObOkEn in tha strEEts and in Johnny Rockets, a fOOd jOint
*bElow* from left ta right: CaRla, mE *laurEn* and b-E-th burgErz

*bEloW* from left ta right: mE *laurEn*, b-E-th, Gonj, alEx, aRzu, caRla

*bElow* CraCk mEntO's anYoNe?? *tEe hEe* tis amY and mE *laurEn*

*bElow* yEw can dO iT! fLy!! sUpAwOmYn gEri!! and mE *laurEn* holdin her up

*bElow* once again in hObOkEn with left ta right: Arzu, Carla, Juan, b-E-th, mE *laurEn* and alEx

*bElow* this is mah brudder, i luff him vErEe bErrE muchO lOtz, hE's spiffE..*tEe hEe*
°baCk to pagE onE of pikZ°
°baCk to pagE tWo of pikZ°
°pAgE 4 of PiKz--NEWEST!!°
°pAgE 5 of PiKz--NEWEST!!°
°baCk hOmE°