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The Verona High School Class of 1959

55th Anniversary Reunion Registration, Idea & Comment Form


Your Name:*

Address 2:
Zip Code:
Telephone #:*
e-mail address:*
Are you planning on attending the VHS Class of 1959 55th Reunion? Yes   No
If "Yes" the number of people attending?
If "No" what is the main reason for your decision?   Cost    Location   Lack of Interest    My friends are not attending

Other (Explain): 

If "No" what change would cause you to attend the 55th Reunion?   Lower Cost     New Location    Focus on Classmate Achievements

Other (Explain):      I will not change my mind to attend.

If you plan to attend when do you plan to arrive?   Thursday     Friday    Saturday
Do you wish to invite members of other VHS Classes? Yes   No
Are you interested in playing golf?  Which day? Yes   No  Friday   Saturday
Are you planning on staying at the Reunion Base Hotel? Yes   No
Ideas on how to spend the day Saturday:
Ideas for the 55th Reunion Party:
Other ideas, suggestions and/or comments:
* Required              

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