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Dedicated To Her 
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Annie was born, September 2,1979 with multiple birth defects. The day after she was transfered to another hospital for repair of a T-E Fistula (tracheal-esophageal), in which her trachea was a blind pouch and her esophagus was connected to her lung. Surgery was very successful and for 5 years we believed there would be no more problems. Unfortunately, she had additional surgeries ahead of her, the first being the repair of a urogenital sinus at age 5. Subsequently, unaware of what damage had been done, Annie spent the next 5 years as any normal child. Until October 16,1989, when she became short of breath while getting ready for school and within 2-3 hours had respiratory arrested. My wife and I managed to make it to the hospital only seconds after she arrested. Annie was placed on a ventilator and rushed into surgery for placement of a Tenckoff Catheter, for peritoneal dialysis to start. The first few days were touch-n-go, but she was stabilized and moved to Philadelphia, were she was then evaluated and placed on a transplant list. Another defect was also discovered, a PDA (patent ductus arteriosus), for which she would undergo yet another surgery to close it and a chest tube post-op for a few days. She came through this with flying colors as the trooper she is and was up walking around hours after. She then waited 4 years and 1 month, being dialyzed 6 and sometimes 7 times a day, before being called on November 29,1993. We rushed to Philly, were she underwent retesting for donor-recipient compatability. The next morning at 02:00, she went to the O.R., and very shortly thereafter, she had a new functioning kidney. Below are 2 poems that Annie wrote expressing how she feels about her REBIRTH, her new LIFE. I hope you enjoy them as much as we have. We pray daily and thank God and ALL of the beautiful unknown donors and their families for this amazing GIFT-OF-LIFE that they have chosen to give. WE LOVE YOU ALL!
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Walked into the room for the first time
A feeling of fright entered my mind
All around, colorless walls
So plain, so tall
The dark surrounds me
Like an island to the sea
Someone turns on the light
I see connections and tubes; Oh what a sight!

Waiting for my operation
"Let's get it over with!", is my exclamation
A few hours later, I'm on my way
It'll be a new life, a new day

Days go by, I'm out of CCU
I must be doing well is my clue
This room is different, it's not the same
Not frightening anymore, enjoyable like a game
Balloons in all sorts of colors
For me, oh thank you! Are there any others?

The doctors and nurses are so nice
Could make me smile, even to mice
Good news they say
"You're going home today."

My home sweet home
Where now I can roam
With my new kidney
Even if it's stormy and windy
Nothing can stop me from going
Not even a giant beanstalk growing

Here I am, home at last
Days in the hospital long past
I'm better than I've ever been in years
Put aside all my fears
My new kidney and me together
We can live FOREVER!

Annie Sussino
Feb. 1994

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"Dear YOU, Love ME"
I've never met YOU
But I feel I know you
You're "part" of ME
If only I knew your name
To me, you're "Vince"
Sitting at my (right) side
Helping, guiding, protecting me
Your presence is felt everyday
Since you entered my life
Nothing has been the same
Without any explanation
Parts of me have disappeared
At the same time
A new me grows
Life isn't mine alone
We share one... and a rebirth*
What do you want to do tomorrow?
I feel I owe it to you
To do something
But what?
What does the future bring?
Your gift(s) shall never be outdone
Special friend-
Thank You for my future.

Forever until FOREVER

*rebirth = Transplanted Nov 30, 1993

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