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Website Awards

Welcome to my awards page!

This award is for any kind of Nursing/Health related Website (Really COOL!!), and is awarded to those sites that exemplify what healthcare is all about. Apply for this award if you feel and/or believe your site is such a site.

Do you have a nursing/medical related website that is Inspirational? By inspirational, I mean does your site stimulate the mind and/or emotions to a point that other people feel moved or touched? If you think your website deserves such an award, then please feel free to apply.

I bestow this award to those sites that are "TRULY DEDICATED" to the healthcare/nursing profession. Those sites that I feel deserve this award show that they see the healthcare/nursing profession as not just a job or money making, but a way of life. Those who receive this gift are true "Nightingales". These people make this field very special.

The Award of Excellence is given to those sites that are related to all aspects of the healthcare field. The sites that win this award illustrate a well rounded website devoted to not only patient care, but also to the needs of the healthcare professional.

To apply for any of my awards, simply email me or use the form below. Make sure you include a link to your site, your email address, and which award you are applying for and why you believe you deserve this award. I also have given these awards to sites that I have visited or found while "surfing" the web.

Your Name:
Email Address:
Link To Your Website:
Enter Your Comments:

All the images I used for my awards I found while surfing the net, and as far as I know, they are all public domain. If any of these images are copywrited, please let me know and I will remove them immediately. Also,if you have any questions or comments, please Email me, Bob (Spinner) Sussino,RN: