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Dealers, Auctions and Shows

As mentioned in the introduction and history, Third Reich artifacts today are mainly in the hands of professional dealers and auction houses, so it is important to find dealers who you are comfortable with.

Most dealers will allow for an inspection period during which the item may be returned, a good dealer will offer a lifetime guarantee, honest ratings, and often reliable advice. How can you tell a good dealer from a not so good one? I started by taking advice from other collectors. Surf the web, because it is a great place to get leads, but be cautious. Read carefully over policy and request catalogs from dealers and auctions, then compare the prices just to be familiar with them. Most of all, rely on your common sense, you will be able to tell who is genuinely helpful and who is only running a business. If someone is rude and short before your purchase, then they most likely will not answer your questions after you have receive the item.

Beware of incredible stories and ridiculously low prices for items in “A+” condition. You will generally get what you pay for. It is often worth it to pay a few extra dollars and be at ease by purchasing from a reputable place. Something I did not know was that at shows some sellers are open for negotiation, it does not hurt to politely ask if the price shown is final or if they can "do a little better”. This should not be expected it, but you may be in for a pleasant surprise. Also, most of the time a package price can be negotiated when several items are purchased.

Auction Houses

Auction houses should be approached with the same caution as dealers, and the same rules apply. Even more so with on-line auctions in which you are dealing directly with the individual sellers. Again, test it out, I have had both good and bad experiences there. Now I generally stay away other than to browse and get the occasional “safe” items, these being common items I am familiar with or something that is from a seller I already know to be legitimate.

We all have read about dealers who make a living from preying on inexperienced collectors. It is really easy to be very defensive and it is good to be cautious, but do not distrust all dealers just because they are dealers. There is also no reason to assume right away that a person has been dishonest, and disputes can often be solved with a simple e-mail or phone call.

Militaria Shows

If you are really serious about collecting and being active in the collecting community, then militaria shows are essential. Care must be exercised when purchasing here as well, all too many people are willing to give free advice that may or may not be accurate. Accept this advice, but also take the time to verify what you learned by checking reference material and talking to other collectors and dealers. If you are lucky enough to have a regular show nearby, you will begin to see the same people and you will learn who is accurate and who is not. Remember that just because a dealer or seller is wrong regarding factual award information it does not mean he/she is dishonest.

Shows are the closest you will find to a school of collecting. This is where you can examine pieces that may be well out of your budget, or get ideas to plan your collection and make new contacts. It can also be a money pit, so make sure you pace yourself. Below you will find a table with a listing of shows for the current month. If you have a show you would like posted, or need more information on a show, please send me an e-mail

October Shows
Oct 1-2, OH, Toledo, Great Lakes Military Collectors, Masonic Great Hall, 1645 Heatherdowns Blvd.
Oct 1-3, MO, St. Louis, GMHS Fall Military Show, Grants Shelter in Historic Jefferson Barracks.
Oct 1-3, PA, Pittsburg, 15th Annual MAX Show, Expomart in Monroevile.
Oct 2-3, NY, Hamburg, Niagara Frontier Sportsman Gun and Military Expo, International Agri-Center Erie County Fairgrounds.
Oct 3, Canada, Orangeville, Ontario Gun and Military Show.
Oct 8-9, CA, Orange, Marching Through History Expo, Irvine Regional Park (Santiago and Jamboree Rd).
Oct 9-10, MD, Frederick, Potomac Arms Collector Assoc. Gun Show, Frederick Fairgrounds, Bldg 9.
Oct 9-10, MA, West Springfield, Westfield Sportsman Club Gun Show, Eastern State Exposition.
Oct 9-10 MN, Minneapolis-St Paul Military Relic and Weapon Collector Show, Minnesota State Fairgrounds-St. Paul Empire Commons Building.
Oct 15-16 MI, Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo Military Arms and Relics Show, County Fairgrounds, 2900 Lake St.
Oct 16-17 NJ, Atlantic City, “Atlantique City” Holiday Megafair, The New Atlantic City Convention Center (Kirman Blv).
Oct 16-17, TX, Dallas, Gun Show and Military Expo, Dallas Convention Center.
Oct 17, CO, Denver, Colorado Historical Military Collectors, Jefferson County Fairgrounds.
Oct 17, NY, Alexander, 108ty Alexander Gun Show, Alexander Fireman’s Hall.
Oct 23-24, FL, Lake City, Gun Knife and Militaria Show, Columbia County Fair Grounds (Branford Highway).
Oct 24, CA, San Jose, Cadre Militaria, Napredak Hall.
Oct 24 Il, Chicago, Hillside Militaria Show, Hillside Holiday Inn.
Oct 29-31, CA, Los Angeles, Great Western Show, Los Angeles Country Fairgrounds.
Oct 30, NY, Armonk, Military Toy Show XX, Ramada Adria Hotel and Conference Center.
Oct 30-31, LA, Chalmetter, Gun and Militaria Show, St Bernard Cultural Center (8245 W Judge Perez Drive).
Oct 30-31, OH, Maumee, Maumee Valey Gun Collector Association, Lucas County Recreation Center (2901 Key Street).
Oct 30-31, PA, Butler, Fort Crawford Gun & War Relic Show, Days Inn (Rt 8).
Oct 31, NJ, Hackensack, East Coast Toy Soldier Show, Rothman Center (Temple Ave).

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