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Iron Cross 1939 Reinstitution Order

Hitler approved the final reinstitution of the Iron Cross with the following document.

After I have determined to call the German people to arms, as a defense against an attack that threatens them, I renew the Order of the Iron Cross in memory of the sons of Germany who in heroic battles in the previous great wars have stood for the Fatherland.

Article 1
The Iron Cross will be awarded in the following classes:

Article 2

I. The Iron Cross will be awarded for outstanding service to service personnel and for bravery in the face of the enemy.
II. The Cross for a higher class must be preceded by that of a lower class.

Article 3

The awarding of the Grand Cross depends on my own decision for outstanding deeds which are decisive. Articles 1 and 4 state that the Iron Cross has the following classes and is awarded in the following order: Second Class, First Class, Knight's Cross, Grand Cross.

Article 4

I. The Iron Cross First and Second Class are the same as those in the Great War except that there is on the face a swastika and the date 1939. The reverse of the Second Class has the year 1813. The Second Class is worn on a black, white and red ribbon on a medal bar or in the buttonhole (of the tunic). The First Class is worn without a ribbon on the left breast (pocket).
II. The Knight's Cross is larger than the Iron Cross Second Class. It is worn on a black, white and red ribbon around the neck.
III. The Grand Cross is twice the size of the Iron Cross Second Class and is worn on a wide black, white and red ribbon around the neck.

Article 5

The holder of either class of the Iron Cross of The Great War who distinguishes himself will receive a silver clasp with an eagle (wings outspread) holding a wreath and swastika and the year 1939 which will be worn on the ribbon in the case of the Second Class and pinned above the Cross on the left breast in the case of the First Class.

Article 6

The award will be accompanied by a possession certificate.

Article 7

The Iron Cross in the case of death will be returned to the next of kin at the family home.

Article 8

The Headquarters of the Chief of the Army High Command, Reichsminister with the Minister of State and Chief of the Presiding Council,

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