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As mentioned in the introductory page, the men of the Heer and their counterparts in the SS received the majority of Knights Crosses throughout the war. Within the Heer, as with every other branch, the award was distributed fairly among the ranks, and recipients ranged from Field Marshalls to Privates. Many were earned in the victorious blitzkrieg, while others were conferred in failed offensives and desperate battles of the last days of the war in a crumbling Reich. Below are the stories of some of these men.

Oberst Heinz-Gunter Guderian

Oberst Heinz-Gunter Guderian

Oberst Heinz-Gunter Guderian, the son of the famous Generaloberst Guderian the famous Panzer Leader who led Germanys tanks across France and deep into Russia, was born in 1914. He followed his fathers’ footsteps and began his Military career in 1933, when he joined Kraftahrabteilung 3. After becoming an officer cadet, he was commissioned as a leutnant with Panzer Regiment 1 in Erfurt.

Guderian participated in both the Polish and Western Campaigns, and was attached to III Armee Korps south of Rostov during Operation Barbarosa undergoing General Staff training. In 1942, he was attached to the Kriegsakademie and was afterwards assigned to the staff of the 11 Panzer Division and III Panzer Corp.

In 1943, Guderian was assigned to the staff of the 116 Panzer Division and reached the rank of Oberst by the Normandy invasion. He was the Senior Operations Officer for the Division, which was held in reserve in order to respond to a second invasion front, should this open up. This development never took place, and the Division was committed to battle in late July when it took part in the counter attack near Mortain in early August. Later in that same month, Guderian and his Division would find themselves trapped behind Allied lines in the Falaise pocket near Argentan.

On the night of August 20th ,1944, Guderian lead a group of 300 men and 50 vehicles on break out attempt under the cover of darkness. After slowly struggling through the night, the group reached German lines and made contact with the 2nd SS Das Reich Division, which was holding the Allied advance in the area.

On August 22nd Guderian was traveling in a staff car that was strafed by allied fighter-bomber and he was seriously wounded. He was evacuated to a field hospital, and while he was recovering from his injuries he received a visit from his father, who personally presented him with the Knights Cross to the Iron Cross for his leadership during the successful breakout out of the pocket.

Oberst Guderian survived the war and surrendered to Allied forces. He would continue serving his country in the Bundeswehr, reaching the rank of Generalmajor before retiring. The family tradition would continue with his sons, both of whom serve in the German Army.

Oberst Karl Heinrich Hermann Barnbeck
7th October 1894 Rosehefe/Kreis Buckeburg/Schaumburg-Lippe
25th October 1944 Standortlazarett Minden/ Heeresgruppe B

Oberst Karl Heinrich Hermann Barnbeck

Knights Cross (1282) on 29th October 1942 as Oberst and Commander of 211 Infanterie Regiment / 71st Infanterie Division / LI Armeekorps / 6 Armee/ Heeresgruppe Don

The confirmation of the recommendation for the bestowal of the Knights Cross reads:
Commander 71. Infanterie Division requests bestowal of the Knights Cross of the Iron Cross to Oberst Barnbeck, Commander 211 Infanterie Regiment. In the fighting around Stalingrad, Oberst Barnbeck has, through audacious determination and dashing personal bravery, produced the conditions for the conquest of the entire city centre of Stalingrad by the Division.

When the bulk of the Division, in a narrow wedge, thrust over the railway area through to the Volga on 14th September 1942 , Oberst Barnbeck had the mission of defending the previous sector of the Division with his Regiment as well as protecting the widely seperated right flank of the Division. When an opportunity offered itself on 15th September 1942, the mission was carried out offensively, Oberst Barnbeck himself deciding, despite the low combat strength of his Regiment, to tackle the well-constructed field emplacements of the enemy and restore the connection with the Division. When the assault of the Regiment threatened to grind to a standstill in the doggedly defended deep positions of the enemy, Oberst Barnbeck, himself in the forward line, dragged elements of his troops forward into the enemy trench system and, through his personal daring, forced a breakthrough. Time and again, he hastily rushed to where the desperate resistance of the enemy appeared to make the progress of his exhausted men impossible. Oberst Barnbeck was the driving force of the attack which, after the hardest struggle and tough hand-to-hand combat, led to the destruction of the Russian rifle brigade threatening the rear and flank of the Division. With this, 211 Infanterie Regiment, only a battalion strong, caused high bloody casualties for the enemy, captured 1200 prisoners, 8 guns,121 machine-guns and 56 mortars, a success thanks only to the constant intervention of Oberst Barnbeck in the forward line of his Regiment.

With that, Oberst Barnbeck has, through his independent decisions personal courage and skilful command, fought through to the Volga with his Regiment as the spearhead of the Division in the shortest time, taking the city center firmly into our hands and by this, producing the fundamental requirements for the continued command of combat for the Division, and leading to the final occupation of the city center.

Oberstleutnant Wilhelm Braun
6th February 1902 Hansenweiler/ Kreis Rauensburg/ Wurttemburg
22nd January 1943, Stalingrad

Oberstleutnant Wilhelm Braun

Knights Cross (1500) on 20th January 1943 as Major and Commander II Bataillon / 576 Grenadier Regiment / 305th Infanterie Division / LI Armeekorps / 6 Armee / Heeresgruppe Don

Recommendation Nr. 1500 for the bestowal of the Knights Cross of the Iron Cross 305. Inf. Div.,3rd December 1942;

Already during the storming of Stalingrad North's dominating blocks of houses, such as the so-called Acropolis, the Tractor Factory and the "Red Barricade" Gun Factory, Major Braun has distinguished himself as a battalion commander through personal courage and resolute command.

Major Braun then took over command of 576 Grenadier Regiment when it was necessary, liberated the last stretch of the Volga shore and defended the occupation of the "Red Barricade", which the Red command strived to reconquer with reckless operations by all their forces. Here, he again proved his exceptional bravery, his inspirational command and lucid initiative.

Major Braun was not discouraged by a futile charge on the fuel installation on 2nd November, which the Bolsheviks defended with their last mobilized reserves. Regardless of the heavy destructive fire from the enemy artillery and rockets, he shifted his command post immediately behind the forward line of his Regiment, explored the assault possibilities in the forward line on his own initiative and on 11th November, with thrilling impetus, leapt to the attack with the Sturmkompanie consolidated from the Regiment, fighting through to the Volga. In close combat with his brave grenadiers, positioning every assault group, he conquered the Volga shore and interrupted the connection here of the desperately fighting 138th and 99th Red Rifle Divisions. In destructive enemy fire, he held the conquered shore firmly in his hands against the enemy breakthrough attempts during days of heavy defensive combat.

The easing of the situation in the Gun Factory, which was of decisive importance for the entire operation, was to the merit of this valiant officer, who led his Regiment to the highest achievements by his independent decisive command and brave personal example.
Signed; Steinmetz
Oberst i.G.

LI Armeekorps - 5th December 1942
I warmly support the bestowal of the Knights Cross to this excellent, brave officer.
The Commanding General
Signed; von Seydlitz
General der Artillerie

6 Armee - 15th December 1942
Supported - Der Oberbefehlshaber
Signed; von Paulus

Heeresgruppe Don - 28th December 1942
Supported - Der Oberbefehlshaber
Signed; von Manstein

Gefreiter Christian Lohrey.Born 3 August 1927, awarded Knights Cross on 11 March 1945.
Kp. Truppmelder i. d. 3./Pz.G.R. 41 (Messenger in the troop belonging to Kompanie HQ).

Gefreiter Christian Lohrey


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