Incoherent and Unintelligible writings by Me.

This is the heart of my webpage, the reason why you put aside cyberporn for once in your life to see what is going on in my mind, sober or not. Although it seems scarce now, I am suffering from a severe form of writer's block but soon you will read articles on Socialism, Censorship, the Evils of Corporate America, Flag Burning, Punk Music, why TV sucks and other intriging topics.

Update: I actually have a serious essay on the deterioration of Hardcore in local NJ clubs. Help me in protest.

Take your Pick

The Shit List: Changes Every Week
University of Disillusionment
Nipplerings and Money: The Warped Tour '98
Save the New Jersey Clubs...or listen to N'Sync
WTO are a Bunch of Meanys