Chapter 10

"What's wrong Kev?" Nick asked as Kevin walked into the living room in the tour bus while Kari, Nick, Brian, and I were watching TV the next night.

"I just heard from Rachel." Kevin flopped down next to me on the couch.

"And what's so bad about that?" I asked.

"She dumped me for some other guy."

"Oh, I'm sorry Kevin." I gave him a hug. "Are you okay?"

He sighed. "I don't know."

"I know what will make you feel better," Brian said with a mischievous smile. "Let's go to a strip club!"

"No!" Kari smacked his arm. "You are not going to watch some girl strip!" Then she whispered in his ear, "Besides, you have your own private showing every night."

"I think it sounds cool!" Nick said. "I wanna go!"

I gave him a dirty look. "You would."

"Oh come on Amy, it'll be cool."

"Yeah, for you guys. What are Amy and I gonna do? Sit here and watch TV all night?"

"We're not going tonight," Brian said. "We're going tomorrow night when we get to Orlando."

Kari rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah, that makes it much better."

"So Kev, you up for it?" Brian asked. "You'll forget all about Rachel in no time!"

Kevin shrugged. "Yeah, I guess. What about Howie and AJ?"

Nick laughed. "Are you kidding? AJ's definitely going. Howie probably is too, I think he's a lot hornier than he looks."

I raised my eyebrows. "And how would you know that?"

"I don't. I'm just guessing."

"Okay, so it's settled," Brian said. "We're going to a strip club tomorrow night."

Kari and I sighed. "Whatever."

The Next Night...
"Kari, what are we gonna do?" I asked after the guys had left. "There's nothing to do here!"

Kari shook her head and pointed to the mini bar. "We could have a few drinks."

"Are you sure?"

Kari sighed. "Amy, are you going to be a dork all of your life? You never do anything fun."

"Okay, I'll have some. Where are the shot glasses?"

Kari giggled. "We're not using shot glasses!" She pulled out a bottle of scotch and took a long swig. "We're gonna drink it right out of the bottle!"

"Oh." Kari handed me the bottle and I took a gulp. "It's kinda bitter."

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it."

"Guys, are you sure about this?" Kevin asked as he and the rest of the guys were seated at a table at Fantasies, the hottest club around.

"Yeah Kev, it's gonna be awesome! We've got the closest table possible!" AJ said excitedly.

"I don't know guys," Howie said warily.

"Welcome to Fantasies!" a loud voice over the speakers boomed. "Please welcome our first dancer of the evening, Heaven!"

A young African Amercian woman ran onto the stage. "That guy looks fine," she thought of the young man with the blazing green eyes at the first table.

She moved closer to him and began dancing. "So what's your name?" she whispered.

Kevin looked at her, startled. "Kevin."

"Nice name. My real name is Nicole, Heaven's just a stage name. Well, it was nice to meet you!"

Wait!" Kevin stuffed a 20 dollar bill and a piece of paper in her g-string. "That's my number, call me."

Nicole smiled. "You sure have a weird way of doing it, but I will. Bye Kevin, guys."

The other guys laughed as she moved on to another table. "Damn Kev!" AJ exclaimed. "You just picked up that hot dancer!"

"See? I told you you'd forget all about Rachel," Brian said.

Kevin stared off dreamily at Nicole. "Who's Rachel?"

"Kari, I don't feel so good," I moaned as I collapsed on the bed. "I had way too much scotch."

Kari giggled drunkenly. "You had two shots, you big baby." She shoved the bottle in my hands. "Here, have s'more."

"No, I don't want anymore. Well, maybe just one more shot." I put the bottle to my lips and drank until I couldn't drink anymore. "Whoo, that was fun!" I giggled.

Kari laughed and then clutched her stomach. "I'm gonna be sick!" She ran towards the bathroom.

"Who's the baby now?" I laughed. "Whoa, I feel dizzy." My eyes started getting heavy and the last thing I saw was Nick and Brian run into the room.

"Amy? Amy, wake up."

I groaned and opened my eyes. "Stop screaming Nick, I'm right here."

"I wasn't screaming."

"Yes you are, stop it."

Nick sighed. "How much did you have to drink?"

"Most of the bottle."

Brian laughed. "Damn girl, I never knew you had it in you!"

"You're funny Brian. Where's Kari?"

"The bathroom. She's been throwing up all night."

"Okay, now that 20 questions are over, can I go back to sleep?"

Nick kissed my forehead. "Yeah. 'Night Aim."

"'Night Nick," I mumbled before drifting off to sleep.