Chapter 4

"What's wrong Nick?" Howie asked after Nick had entered the bunk room and flopped down on a bed.

"Amy. She's convinced that all guys would rather go out with Kari than her because she said we all were all over Kari today and not paying any attention to her."

"Really?" Kevin said, putting down the book he was reading. "I didn't even realize that, we all should apologize to her."

"It's not just that Kev. I was talking to her before and Amy is convinced that she's ugly. I told her I thought she was beautiful and she told me to stop patronizing her and walked away."

"You told her she was beautiful?" Howie asked with a smile.

Nick blushed. "Yeah."

"Ooh, someone's got a crush!" Kevin sang as Howie laughed.

"Shut up Kev! Do you want me to tell your girlfriend what you do every night with that picture of her?" Nick threatened.

"You know about that?!"

"Actually I was making that up. That's just nasty Train," Nick said with a disgusted face.

"So what are you going to do about Amy?" Howie asked, trying to change the subject.

"I don't know, why do you think I came to you?"

"To tell you the truth, I don't know what to do," Howie said.

"Great, the one time I have a real problem and you don't know what to do," Nick mumbled.

"You could trying figuring it out on your own," Kevin pointed out. "For God's sakes, you're 19 years old and still going to Howie for advice on girls, which is about the stupidest thing you could do to begin with!"

Howie threw a pillow at Kevin. "Shut up man!"

"I guess you're right Kev," Nick said as he got up and started walking towards the girls' bunks. "I'll see you guys later."

"What's wrong Amy?" Kari asked me as I flopped down on a bed.

"Everything," I sighed. "I was talking to Nick after you guys left and I kinda threw a hissy fit."

"Really? Like ohmigod, you and Nick were alone? I would've like, freaked out or something! Details, now!"

"Okay. Nick asked me if I was kidding when I said I didn't have a boyfriend because he said I was pretty and-"

"What?! He said you were pretty and then you threw a hissy fit?! Are you like, dumb?!"

"Gee, thanks for making me feel better," I said sarcastically. "You didn't even let me finish. After he said I was pretty I said yeah right because whenever you and me meet a guy he usually goes for you. Then he said he thought I was beautiful and I told him to stop patronizing me and here I am."

"Nick is totally into you," Kari said after thinking for a few moments. "Why else would he tell you that if he wasn't?"

"Are you mad? I know how much you like him and all."

"Oh no, I'm not mad. I had a silly crush, that's all. I think you two would be like, so cute together."

"You think?"

"Oh yeah, totally. I say go for it!"

"Thanks Kari," I said, giving her a hug. "You are the best!"

"I know," she answered with a smile. "Hey, I think Nick is coming. I'll leave you guys alone, but I want details after you're done or else!" She left, and a few seconds after Nick came.

"Hey Amy, can I talk to you?" he asked.

"Sure. Look, I'm sorry for blowing up at you before."

He sat down next to me. "It's okay. I kinda want to ask you something."

I looked at him intently. "What Nick?"

“ you wanna watch me and Brian play Mario Kart?”

"Okay,” I answered.

Nick smiled. "Cool. I'm overdue to kick his sorry ass." Nick pulled me up and we walked out of the bunk room. When we got to the living room Kari and Brian were already playing and AJ was lounging on the couch.

"Kari you're cheating," Brian whined.

"How is that?" Kari asked. "If you get the lightning bolt you're like, allowed to use it!"

"You're breaking the rule that says pretty girls aren't allowed to run a sexy guy such as myself over," he replied with a flirty smile.

Kari laughed. "Brian, that was pathetic!"

"Tell me about it!" AJ groaned.

“Oh please McLean! I suppose you would have used a better one?"

“Of course! I bet even Nicky here could have thought up a better line!”

“Shut up AJ! Are you almost done guys, I wanna play,” Nick whined.

“Yeah,” Kari answered. “After beating Brian about 20 times the game looses its charm.”

Brian rolled his eyes. “It was 15 times Kari, there’s a difference. Besides, I was just warming up! You ready Carter?”

“Bring it Littrell!” Nick grabbed the controller. “Your ass is going down!”

I laughed. “You guys are so pathetic. It’s just a stupid video game!”

“Not to them,” AJ said. “C’mon Kari, let’s got outta here before they start killing each other.”

Kari giggled. “Where are we going?”

AJ smiled devilishly. “You’ll see.” I tried hard not to laugh, and glanced over at Brian. He looked pissed.

“Well Brian, I’m guessing you like Kari?” I asked after she and AJ were gone. “It’s weird actually.”

“How’s that?” Nick asked, not taking his eyes off the screen. “Yes! Red shell baby!”

“Before we met you guys, Kari liked Nick and I liked Brian. Now it’s kinda the other way around.”

“What do you mean by that?” Nick demanded. He paused the game and looked at me. “Are you saying I wasn’t good enough for you?”

“No I didn’t say that at all! I didn’t know you Nick, how could I like you if I didn’t know you?”

“How could you like Brian then?” Nick challenged.

I sighed. “Nick, forget it. If you’re gonna be immature about it just forget it.”

“No don’t forget it,” Brian said. “I wanna know!”

“Fine. I thought Brian had a cute face that’s all.”

Brian glared at me. “Just a cute face? What about these bulging biceps?” He flexed his arm.

“Hey wait a minute. Did you say you liked me?” Nick asked.


“Yeah. You said before you liked Brian, but now you like me!” Nick exclaimed. “If you think Stone Cold Nick Carter is hot gimme a hell yeah!”

“Hell no!” Brian and I yelled in unison.

“No, I was just kidding. In answer to your question Nick, yes I like you,” I said shyly.

“I like you too,” Nick replied, equally as shy.

"Aww,” Brian said. “How cute!” Nick and I blushed. “But what I’m I gonna do about Kari?”

“You could try talking to her more,” I said after thinking for a few moments. “And compliments help.”

“I tried that on you,” Nick said. “It’s didn’t work, remember?”

“But that’s because I’m ugly,” I mumbled.

“What’d you say?”

“ Nothing. Look, just try what I told you and see if it works.”

“Okay thanks! Now can we get back to the game?”

“Hell yeah!” Nick yelled as he unpaused the game and he and Brian went back to screaming obscenities at the screen. As I sat back on the couch, I could tell this was going to be one hell of a summer.