Dedicated to the Memory of John Nelson Giunta

I made several New Year's resloutions this year. One of them was to get to know more people. A person needs more friends than acquaintances. I have too many acquaintances. One of my acquaintances was John Giunta. We met through his brother Pete. John was a junior in High School at the time, helping out with the SHU Pep Band. I learned, again through Pete, that John was planning on attending Seton Hall University as an Education major. Being an education major myself, I felt that I'd be able to help John adjust to college life and the SHU School of Education program: Classes, professors, field experiences and the like.

During John's first semester at Seton Hall, I never got much chance to talk to him. I was busy, almost never making to the basketball games where I would be most likely to see John. He told me that he was supposed to have an Education class with Rev. White. I told him to say I said hello- thinking that would guarantee him an 'A' for the class.

The last time I spoke with John was before Finals. He told me there had been 4 false alarms in Boland the night before, and he had gotten very little sleep. I can't remember what I said to him in response, of if I said anything at all. It never could have entered my mind that our short conversation- which I ended abruptly since I was about to be late for class- would be the last time I ever spoke to John Giunta.

I am sure many people made a resolution similar to mine- to make more friends. If anyone made that resolution and hasn't kept it, I'm certain they think to themselves, "there's always tomorrow". But for John, Frank, and Aaron, tomorrow never came.

I learned something from this tragedy; we all must learn something from tragedies, or they become empty. Stop saying, "there's always tomorrow". Today is just as good- in fact, better. Don't wait- tell people you love them. I say that now- to my family, my friends, my sorority sisters, and all the friends I have yet to meet: If tomorrow does come, I want to spend it with you.

As I Live and Breathe

As I live and breathe
I will remember you

After the ashes are scrubbed off the walls
After the tears are elsewhere spent
After the Angelus bells
Become nothing more than
Another pest to the forgetful sleepers
I will remember you

In every hurried morning
In every sleepless night
In everyone I love
In everyone I meet
I will remember you

Remember you
And the morning when no one cared
While the Angel
Who stood over you cried
And went about his Father's business

Remember you
And the day I said--not "goodbye"--
But, "till we meet again"
Looking at you for the last time
Your face blurred by my tears

I live for myself
I live for you
And this I swear
As I live and breathe

John Giunta, Frank Caltabilota, Aaron Karol...

And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.

A moving tribute- John will love you for all time, Heather.