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Dam My Eyes

Dam my eyes
To hold back the tears
Though the sorrow goes on
The pain perseveres
The water pools
Behind the block
Emotions held back
Behind door and lock
Tears gather strong
The reservoir swells
Impending disaster
This condition foretells
And still rain comes
Storm after storm
Tears & sighs
Swirl & swarm
The river grows higher
The level elevates
A drop trickles over
The mighty flood gates
And yet another
As the current grows strong
The Dam grows weaker
In the emotional throng
The relentless river
Is brutal in force
And the sorrowful water

Prepares to take course
he dam slowly crumbling
The gates ever weakening
Under the force of the pressure
The waves greatly peaking
Cresting & falling
From hurting & caring
The river takes force
Breaking & tearing
And spraying o'er the edge
Comes the waterfall
And in its wake
The dam now falls
A tempest of passion
A whirlpool of fears
A rapids of emotion
A deluge of tears
Channeled down the valley
Reeking havoc in its path
Toppling villages
In its watery wrath
Survivors scatter
As they flee
But they are drowned
When they reach the sea

~Jospeh M Barat
© Copyright 1999 by Devyn