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"The bards and the poets
Are not the artists but the instruments
The Muses stroke to make their music;
We are mediums with which they make their art. "

-Joseph M. Barat

"The poet" and his Muse

Who is Devyn?

Devyn is the pen name of Joey Barat, a 23 yr. old writer from NJ. Joey chose the name Devyn for slightly amusing and mildly embarising reasons which shall not be devulged here. He later discovered that "Devin" means "poet" in Welsh/Gaelic and was pleased that it turned out to be appropriate.

Devyn lists among his interests: Literature, poetry, theatre, music, writng, science fiction, fantasy, nature, Renaissance Faires, & Greek Mythology.

Devyn feels uncomfortable talking about himself in the third person for fear that it always sounds like a personal ad!

E-mail Devyn

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"Whomsoever great Zeus' daughters favor among the kings that Zeus fosters, and turn their eyes upon him at his birth, upon his tongue they shed sweet dew, and out of his mouth the words flow honeyed; and the peoples all look to him as he decides what is to prevail with his straight judgements. His word is sure, and expertly he makes quick end of even a great dispute. When he goes among a gathering, they seek his favour with conciliatory reverence, as if he were a god, and he stands out among a crowd.

Such is the Muses' holy gift to men. For while it is from the Muses and far-shooting Apollo that men are singers and citharists on earth. Though a man's heart be withered with the grief of a recent bereavement, if then a servent of the Muses, sings of the famous deeds of men of old, and of the blessed gods who dwell in Olympus, he soon forgets his sorrows and thinks no more of his family troubles, quickly diverted by the godesses' gifts."

" - from Hesiod's Theogony

