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Foolish Heart

What a fool I am
To taste paradise and not know its sweetness
To not appriciate this gift kindly given me
To be so cold with this warmth in my presence
To be so sad with happiness at my threshold
To be so lonely with love knocking at my door

What an angry man I am to scowl
To curse myself when you do bless
To say I hate my bitter life
When with love you grace it well
What a selfish man I am to want
And to take, and not to give

Oh what an ass I am to be
The way I am; how I behave
How cruel I am to treat you thus
To break your heart when you've done no wrong
What a child I am; crying this way
Feeling hurt, when I hurt you

Confused am I to not know
What I want and what I need
How can I heal your broken heart
When my own I cannot mend?
How can I wrong your gracious love
And expect you to forgive again?

-Jospeh M. Barat © Copyright 1999 by Devyn