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I Pushed Her Away

I pushed her away
I don't know why; I was confused
But I pushed her away
I tried to tell her how I felt
But I didin't know what to say
I pushed her away
Then I felt empty without her
I wanted to hold her
But I'd pushed her away
I didn't see her
I didn't hear from her
I'd pushed her away
Oh what a fool I am
To behave this way
To push her away
So I told her I loved her
She said she loved me too
But I'd pushed her away
She pushed me away
I asked her to tell me how she felt
She didn't know what to say
She pushed me away
I'd pushed her away
I want her to hold me
Need her to hold me
But I'd pushed her away
She pushed me away
Now the pain is deep
The tears won't go away
I can't push them away
'Cause she's pushed me away
For I pushed her away

~Joseph M. Barat © 1999 by Devyn