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To Mercury

My Muse stands beside me
As I sit with paper and pen
For Ideas and inspiration
I'm not at a loss
But the words fail to come
A tear rus; stinging
My heart aches; breaking
How can I express myself?

This pressure within me
It screams for release
Needing its freedom to exist
It begs to take form
Yet now still I can't
Find the words, the means
To pour my heart upon the page
My Muse now shouting at me

It is then, oh, then!
I remember who I can turn to
O Mercury! O Hermes, you Trickster!
How you're eluded me so
But now I remember your gift
Your gift of communication
Vouchsafe me the competence
To skillfully express

Allow me to craft the words
To speak my heart and mind
Great Messenger of the Gods!

~Joseph M. Barat © Copyright 1998 by Devyn