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Pygmalion & Galatea
by Joseph M. Barat

APHRODITE - The Goddess of Love (also the narrator)
PYGMALION - A sculptor and woman-hater/ later, lover of Galatea
GALATEA - A Statue


Aphrodite: Pygmalion was a young sculptor of Cyprus.
He detested the faults beyond measure which nature had given to women.
He was a woman-hater.
(dirty look from PYGMALION)
He swore never to marry (yeah, right). His art was all he needed.
Nevertheless, the statue he made was a woman.

Pygmalion: Zeus created Pandora as a revenge on Man,
And so it is with all women.
I seek no woman but of my own fashion.

(works on the statue using a centerfold as a blueprint)

Aphrodite: So Pygmalion labored long hours and days
To produce an exquisite work of art.
And even then he continued to work it
Until he perfected the art of concealing art:
No one would have thought the statue was ivory or stone,
But warm and living flesh, frozen for a moment in time.
And it was so beautiful, I may even dare say I was jealous. (bitch)
But in that moment of achievement, the sex he’d scorned had their revenge:
He had fallen in love - heh, heh, heh!

Pygmalion: Bless these hands!
No gods could have created more beauty with their own!
Every woman would pale when compared to you!
To you . . .
But you cannot hear this praise.
I now feel what I could not
For any woman!
And there’s no heart in your stone bosom to appreciate this passion!

Aphrodite: He kissed those enticing lips
- they could not kiss him back.
He caressed her hands, her cheek
- there was no response.
He took her in his arms
-she was cold and rigid.
He brought her gifts;
Jewelry, flowers, clothes
(Pygmalion produces jewelry, flowers, and lingerie)
He named her Galatea.
He loved a lifeless thing
And was hopelessly wretched.

Pygmalion: Alas!

Aphrodite: (moving to an altar decorated for Aphrodite, she takes up a chalice of wine or grapes left as an offering, and lounges out on a throne behind it)
Then time brought Cyprus to my favorite holiday:
The Feast of Aphrodite!
(go figure)
Hopeless lovers filled my temples,
Petitioning that I would soften the hard hearts of those they loved.
And with them came Pygmalion.

(PYGMALION kneels before the altar with APHRODITE behind it, basking in his praise)

Pygmalion: Aphrodite, born of the sea
Sweet Goddess of Love, I entreat thee
Bring me a living lady to equal my creation
Make her my statue’s emulation
This petition I light to thee (lights candle)

Bring this desired love to me!
Aphrodite: A statue, huh?
You kinky little satyr!
I thought I’d seen it all!
- But I can’t resist the passion in his heart
This is a new challenge. A new kind of love
But he doesn’t want what he asks for.
I know what he wants!
I’ll answer his heart’s petition.

(APHRODITE leaves the altar and returns to GALATEA and sprinkles rose petals on her while PYGMALION does the following:)

Pygmalion: What? Do I see the candle flame leap?
My prayer is heard!


Aphrodite: Pygmalion returned to his love.
He caressed her . . .

Pygmalion: (starting) Do I feel warmth from your skin?

Aphrodite: He kissed her . . . (PYGMALION kisses GALATEA.)

Pygmalion: Your lips are soft!

Aphrodite: He felt her-

(PYGMALION reaches for GALATEA’S chest)

Galatea: Hey!

Aphrodite: -pulse . . .

Pygmalion: (snaps his fingers as if to say, "darn", then feels GALATEA’S wrist)
Blood flows through this form!
This is the Goddess’ doing!
Oh, thank you, Aphrodite!

Aphrodite: No sweat, (checking out her nails)
I didn’t even brake a nail!

(PYGMALION embraces GALATEA. APHRODITE stll distracted and buffing her nails.)

Pygmalion: AH-HEM!

Aphrodite: Oh! -He embraced her
And her face blushed and presented a smile
Her eyes blinked and moved
And she embraced him back.
I graced their marriage with my presence
(PYGMALION picks up GALATEA and walks off with her in his arms)
And they named their son after my favorite city,
Damn, I’m good.

© Copyright 1997 by Devyn