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Take My Hand

Honey, take my hand
It's always there for you to hold
You can cry on my shoulder
Y'know you should have to be told

When you seek refuge
My arms are open wide
I'll always be your shelter
when you need somewhere to hide

In the sanctuary of my arms
I'll hold you close and tight
In your times of darkness
I'll try to shed some light

It pains me to see you cry
As your tears fall upon the floor
And when you shake with fear
it makes me hurt even more

I can't always help you
I'm not a perfect man
But I'll make you this promise
To do what ever I can

So, sweetie, when you need me
All you need is to call
'Cause when you drop o'er the edge
I'll be there to stop your fall

So, please take my hand
It's always there for you to hold
And feel the warmth inside my heart
When this wold seems so cold

-Joseph M. Barat