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I am alone at sea and I see
Nothing but eternity
Lying upon a raft of dreams
It's falling apart at the seams
There is nowhere I can go
Drifting; trapped by the burrent's flow
Sickened by the constant motion
I'm dying of thirst in the middle of the ocean

I'm on a raft and the world is the sea
But the water is nothing but a deaert to me
All I want is to quench my thirst
Like "the Mariner" I am cursed
How long must I endure this thirst?

Floating closer to my fate
As I slowly dehydrate
The hot sun burns my flesh
My body years to be refreshed
I'm praying that today it rains
To bring relief from this pain
I wish that this raft would sink
"Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink!"

I'm on a raft and the world is the sea
But the water is nothing but a deaert to me
All I want is to quench my thirst
Like "the Mariner" I am cursed
How long must I endure this thirst?

~Joseph M. Barat ©Copyright 1995 by Devyn