Steel Scorpion is the icon of EMC with a not so common combined aerial and power moves. Steel embodies what true extreem is about, not just jumping off buildings and balconies (which he does) that is only half, but taking an extreeme amount of pain and punishment(which he also does)and stepping over the lines of the standards of Hardcore and Extreeme.
HISTORY: Steel Scorpion is one of the Founding Fathers of EMC, he beat the living hell out of the Iron Kid in a legendary match in 1991 to start his reign of terror in the world of underground wrestling. Fast Forward to the summer of 1997 (old skool EMC) Steel Scorpion makes the first ESG (extreme style gangstas) with Veteran EMC superstars such as Chris Cash, Assassin, Cyanide, Beast, Wild Kat and Lo-Pez after Cyanide got deported, Beast killed himself in a freak shaving accident and kicking out Assassin for fear of rebelion and causing Chris Cash to lose the strong man title, Steel Scorpion left turned Old Skool EMC Wrestling(empire masters championship) into EXTREEME MOTHER F'N CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING (EM F'N C) and resurected the ESG with wrestlers like Chris Cash,Johnny Blaze,Lo-Pez,Tony Starks,Wild Kat,Executionar,Cyanide (who swam across the mexican border, only to be deported again after 1 match)Sell Out Sheik and Towel boy. In a drunken Rage Steel (and still pissed because Black Skull beat all of them up)Sreel said in one of the most memorable speeches in EMC history "F*** YOU, MOTHER F****in RAT @$$ B@STARDS, WHO GO F*** DONKEYS EVERY NIGHT UNTIL YOUR @$$E$ BECOME DONKEYS @$$E$....(throws beer bottle at wall) YOU CAN GO F*** YOUR SELF GET THE HELL OFF OF MY LAWN YOU STINKIN LITTLE PUNK @$$ DOG SLAPPIN JIZZ SCRAPERS..........Suck my balls!!
This was a memorable speech because it stated the end of ESG and made every member of ESG go their own seperate ways (except for the chemical bros.,Gangstarz and Cash Crew who all remained stables) and this speech was also memorable because no one understood what the hell steel was talking about and he did it while talking into an umbrella while wearing fishing boots and standing in his underwear (he hasn't realized that yet)
Steel Soon went into his fued with black skull winning and losing the title to him many times and helping his friend Sell Out shiek win the World Title.Slayfest 99' Steel Scorpion lost the title to black skull in a loser leaves EMC match, Steel lost and was supposed to leave EMC until Towel Boy fond an escape clause which stated if BLACK SKULL PINS STEEL SCORPION, STEEL MUST LEAVE but black skull did not Pin steel the Whitman did so Steel is still in EMC.