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THE DEFINITON OF EXCELLENCE......pphhh yeah right

Lo-Pez(on right)

REAL NAME: he forgot

FINISHER: Peoples Leg Drop
Theme Music:"Nothin' but a party" Sugar Hill Gang
FAVORITE MOVES: Eye poke, Back Scratch, low blow,jaw breaker and Cock Bottom (inverted atomic drop)
STABLE:Chemical Bros.
TITLES HELD: Tag (2x) current Euro-Trash champ
PERSON HATES MOST: Tony Stark....I mean Mercinarie
FAVORITE MOVIE:Dirty Work, Half Baked and Space Balls
FAVORITE CARTOON:My Little Pony i mean Sailor moon i mean I hate cartoons they are a waste of time
FAVORITE FOOD: El Queso (Cheese)
FAVORITE MUSIC GROUP/PERSON: Barry Mani....Slick Rick (yeeah that's it)

Lo-Pez's life is basically packed into the half an hour inbetween Sailor moon and Dragon Ball Z (that is 4:30-5:00 for all the people with out cartoon network) in that half hour he eats cup o' noodles, goes online and plays video games....that is basically Lo-Pez's life Loser!!


Lo-Pez was one of the first people in EMC as a part of Steel Scorpions ESG group (in the chemical bros. as a Sub Group) Lo-Pez won no singel titles and the only titles he did attain were the tag -team titles along side Tony Starks( EMC History tid-bit: little do most people know is that Tony and Lo-pez were not the original chemical bros. it was actually Wild Kat and Lo-pez)

Tony Starks

REAL NAME:Dan Lindenbaum

FINISHER:The Super Star Starks Splash
Theme Music:"Nothin' But a Party", Sugar Hill Gang
FAVORITE MOVES: two elbows to the esophagus,Lion tamer
TITLES HELD:Tag(2x) IC and Competitors
PERSON HATES MOST:Lo-Pez....I mean Red Deamon
FAVORITE WEAPON:A Stick, Competitors belt and Wild kat
FAVORITE COLOR:Blue and Orange
FAVORITE MOVIE:Clerks,Orgazmo and Half Baked
FAVORITE FOOD:Anything that looks good
FAVORITE MUSIC GROUP/PERSON:Chris Rock and Stone Temple Pilots
QUOTES: IT'S OVER!!...MY BELT!!,Oh god please no!!!, i was were undebeatable....the fans were undebeatable.....the ref was undebeatable

Oooooh you might think good ol' Tony sold out but let me tell you 1 thing he loooooves making fun of Lo-Pez HE LOVES IT!!! but not as much as he loooooves FOOD!!


Tony Started his career in EMC when his good friend Lo-Pez called him to be a special referee in lo-pez's match against Mercinarie. Tony basically did everything in his power to help Lo-Pez win (which he did) after this Tony started a short fued with red demon (which he eventually won) this catapulted him to his first title in EMC, his Beloved Competitors title (which he won in a 7 way dance at Roshashana rumble #1) tony eventually won the I-C title (in a ladder match against Lo-Pez..go figure) and numerous Tag-Team titles, But there is 1 thing that tony still wants (no it's not pie) which is the EMC world title!!(i told you it wasn't pie).

Chemical Bros. History

The Chemical Bros. are considered one of the greatest Tag-Teams in EMC history look at their accomplishments
#1. They Won Numerous titles (not only tag but also in singles competiton)
#2. They Stuck together longer than any other EMC tag Champions
#3. They Broke up the Japs
#4. They Broke Up the S.W.O squad (they had to kill Monkey 1 and 2 to do it)
#5. They (claim to have) Broke up Hellz Flock (you don't see apocolypse around do you?...MWAHAHAHAA)
#6. They are the most Recognized tag-team champions in EMC history
#7. They have the strange ability to gain title shots froom whom ever they want (they both got tworld title shots from Steel Scorpion)
#8. They Can Manipulate anybody and everybody in EMC making them do their bidding (they got to Dirt McGirt, Red Demon, Wild Kat and even Steel Scorpion)
#9. They have a great win/loss tag-team record
#10. They always get their way!!
(did i mention that they have great theme music??) some might say they are useless pathetic losers you might even be jealous of their accomplishments, bet let me tell you the chemical bros. might be easy to push around and beat up but when your back is turned you better watch out!!