EMC Presents Witz's Tournament to Slayfest 2000
This Card Had Some Excellent matches and Some well....not so Excellent matches..... but thats only because of the over 6 moths break.. DAMN YOU NEIGHBORS
EMC Started With EMC's Owner Eugene Returning to the EMC to welcome us all back... The crowd didn't really welcome him back the started booing and throwing shit at him... poor guy.. then he introduced one of his new uhhh friends I guess.. F.B.I. and then he introduced another one... The EMC world Heavyweight Champion... The Whitman (now know as Witz with a new "Homey" Gimmick
Match 1 ...Mr.Business Challenges Lopez...
Mr.Business comes down and what the hell he looks totally different..a gold medal around his neck and when gets to the center of the arena he challenges anyone Lopez is behind the camera laughing and then Mr. Business points at him and Says come on! you you wanna fight and Lopez says ummm ok... Mr. Business bends over into a like grecco roman wrestling stants at this point everyone is confused and Lopez calls out for a condom...Then Lopez jumps on Mr. Business and Business throws him to the ground Lopez gets up quickly and Business calls out come on!! Lopez trys it again and gets tossed again Lopez quickly gets up and starts stomping the hell out Business Lopez spins in a circle and stomps on Business's sturnum then out of no where Tony Starks comes out and starts beating the hell out og Lopez!! The all of a sudden OH MY GOOOOOD Tony did a rocker dropper he jumped!!!! then Business gets up and puts some technical choke hold on Lopez and he quickly taps.... could this be the end of the Chemical brothers?? No more Wild Kat and now this you never know...
Match2... Assassin comes out and challenges Phillip McCrack
Phillip comes out all confedent he swings misses and Assassin turns into one of the best power bombs I have ever seen well any way this match continued with great action some high points were when Phillip puts Assassin his own crusafix and does a running cartwheel into an elbow then Assassin puts Phillip into the crusafix and ORB comes down and sets up so Assassin can jump off of him and into Phillip but Phillip breaks free of the crusafix and leg drops Orb ducks a clothesline and turns around and clotheslines Assassin then he backs up and does a running cartwheel into a pin 1...2... NO!! Assassin kicks out then Orb gives a headbutt to Phillip... Assassin and Orb are setting up a table but here comes Phillip knocks Assassin onto the table then goes on the Commentators Table and does his new finisher The Phillip McCrushinator a flp through a table abd the way he lands is he lands perfectly sitting down and stays there its a pin 1...2...3 HE WINS but Orb picks phillip up uh-oh and Assassin gets up and gives a power bomb to the ref... Assassins Army walks Away with Phillip and the ref...
Match 3...Tony comes out and akes a challenge
Tony Thinks he is so cool because he made Lopez loose then he starts saying he is sick of all of this Chemical crap so he challenges some scrubs from WCW and they don't show up so he challenges some kid from the crowed so he comes out and WHAT THE HELL Beats tony with a swanton bomb off a table through a table!!!!! Well this all happened with the help from Lopez...So I guess this is the end of the chemical Broothers... or is it?
Mathch 1 Round 1 of the Tournament Tony Starks vs. Crow..who ever wins faces steel in the next round because Steel had a by to the Second round
Tony is all ready for this Match up Crow then comes down it is a good match over all I don't remember much from this match up because I don't have the tape but when I get it I'll put up what happens but I know Crow wins
Steel vs Crow..This was one of the best matches of the day With Many reversals steel does a Sky High and when Crow gets up from the table and chases Steel with a sign and out of no where....O MY GOOOOOD!!!...Bandit with a ladder into the sign all into Crow's nose...It now looks like a beak(that suits Crow) now here comes steel Crow goes for a final destanation but no reverse into a DVD by Steel the pin ...1...2...3!!! Wait here is F.B.I!!! He has Steel up for a DVD but NOOOO!! Steel gets out and now he has FBI up for a...OOOOOOOO.....EMC EMC EMC EMC EMC EMC EMC EMC EMC!!! One of the hardest DVD's I have ever seen!!! Steel is on his way to Slayfest 2000!!!
This was a great match...First Bandit comes out with a... WHAT THE HELL!! a Cup of noodles!?!?!? o well.. anyway.. Now here comes Witz with his new mananger Euguene gonads.. walkin down to the arena slowly now taking off all of his expensive jewlery and handing them to Euguene...Witz and Euguene slaping hands..Eugene points to Badit, Witz ducks, Bandit jumps over Witz and..BAM!! HOT CUP OF NOODLES SOUP IN THE FACE OF EUGENE GONADS...OHH MY GOD...Bandt seems to be smelling his hand and Witz is calling for the attack, Bandit runs after Witz with a clothesline, Witz ducks, Witz kicks, Bandit ducks now kicks witz ducks and sweeps bandit's legs and the both kip up at the same time ..EMC EMC EMC EMC....Witz hits Bandit with a forearm and now on top of Bandit with rapid punches now with stomps, brings bandit over to a chair, going for a torndo ddt, noooo, rapid low blows to Witz, bandit turns around has him on his shoulder ready for a reverse outsiders edge.. but no!.. he throws Witz in the air catches him and drivers his face right into the plywood!!! OH MY GOD!! EMC EMC EMC!!! Bandit walks away to take off his IC Title while witz is rolling on the ground in pain... Bandit walks ver now to pick up Witz but NOOO LOW BLOW TO BANDIT!!! Witz then calls out "YOU LIKE PHILLIP!?!?! YOU LIKE PHILLIP!?!?!?!!!" Then gives bandit his own Phillip McCrackanator!! and screams to the camera "F*** YOU PHILLIP!!! F*** YOU!!!" Now he is going to pick up Bandit, Bandt hits Witz in the gut picks him up for another reverse outsiders edge and throws him into the Bambo Bushes!!! Bandit walks away all happy and now he is setting up ladders, witz calls out to Eugene to get bandit and he does with his famous Eugene Elbows...here comes witz..Eugene walks away and now Witz picks bandit up for a ...GHETTO BOMB(power bomb but droped to the side) now he picks bandit up and bandit gives him a low blow, kicks Eugene in the chest and picks witz up for another reverse outsiders edge, but witz gives Bandit a couple of punches in the head.. Bandit stumbles back and witz lands on the top over the ladder and pulls Bandits head back for a ....WHITNEY WHIP...he flips..BAM!!!! Hits the whitney whip perfetly!!! it looks like its all over... witz goes for a cover an a very cocky one indead..1...2...thr..NO KICK OUT KICK OUT AT THE LAST SECOND!!! Witz is suprised and doesn't know what to do..Eugene tells Witz to do a moonsault, bandit is slowly getting up.. Witz gives him a neck breaker amd then plants a moonsault on him.. Witz thinks he has the match won and so does everyone else..another cocky cover..1...2...thre..NOOO ANOTHER KICK OUT!!!WITZ IS PISSED NOW!! he goes for a super kick and Badit ducks and hits Witz right in the back of the head with a spinning kick..OH MY GOD..EMC EMC EMC!!! now he sets him up for the famous Nishiyama boot..backs up..runs at full speed..HOLY SHIT!!!!!EMC EMC EMC!!..THE NISHIYAMA BOOT TO END ALL NISHIYAMA BOOTS...cover..1..2..kick out at two...Bandits now setting up a table as Eugene checks on Witz..Witz tells Eugene to attack and he does but the time Bandit strikes back hitting him with a kiddy tricycle.. witz walks to bandit only to get kicked in the head again with another spinning kick..OH MY GOD!! Now bandit finishes setting up the table and picks up witz and does a Sky high through the table..EMC EMC EMC EMC!!!Now he picks witz up again and brings him to the ladders and does a Bandit Cutter through the table!! EM EMC EMC!! Witz rolls of the table and here comes Steel Scorpion Bandits Tag Team Partner..whats this?? Bandit just pullled out a paper bag out of his jacket and hands it to Steel.WHAT COULD IT BE!?!?!? Steel pours it upside down on a table..its..ITS..ITS!!!...ITS GLASS!!! RAZOR SHARP GLASS!! Steel then goes picks up Witz ..going for a suplex?? NO!! Turns the suplex into a super pwer bomb with bandit!!! they run and ....OH MY GOD!! THEY CHUCKED WITZ THROUGHT THE TABLE WITH GLASS!!!! EMC EMC EMC EMC EMC EMC !!! Now they set up witz on the table , bandit climbs the ladder and stands on Steels shoulders...Steel throws bandit up and Bandit does his frogsplash..ITS ALL OVER FOR WITZ!!! a cover ONE....TWO....THREEE..WAIT NO!!! TWO COUT HE KICKED OUT UNBELIVEBLE!! HE KICKED OUT!!!....now witz fighting back..takes bandit and gives him an even harder ghetto bomb!! he goes and sets up a table Brings bandit over for his own Bandit Cutter off the ladder.. but no!! bandit thows Witz and witz does a flip through a table now bandit jumps and does a frogslash..EMC EMC pins witz ONE.....TWO.....THREEE!!! Its all over!! Bandit goes on to the finals in the Slayfest tournament...Witz now gets up and is pissed..runs at bandit and gives him a frankenstiner!! Spits at the camera and sys "don't worry he wont be seeing me at slayfest!! and walks away with Eugene...
Holy shit the match has already started!! Doing tons of kicks.. Bandit knocks down Steel , Bandit misses a tairi kick spins around and hits Steel in the back of the head with a tajiri kick.. Bandit sets Steel up leaning on the Clothes hanger, sets a chair up runs hes going for a flying Nishiyama boot..jumps off the chair and no!!! Steel catches Bandit in mid air and gords him right through a slanted table!! OH MY GOD!!! EMC EMC EMC!! now steel picks up bandit and does a power bomb..wait two power bombs..pickes him up for a third but wait no he turns it into a running DVD!! HOLY SHIT!! Right through a table!! Steel covers!!! 1.....2.....3!!!! STEEL IS GOING TO SLAYFEST 2000!!!WITZ VS STEEL SLAYFEST 2000!! What else could happen?!?!?