.....===:::NEWS AND OTHER HAPPENINGS:::===.....
.....===:::JJMAGIVATE:::===..... |
Welcome to Jorge and JoseSpick Magazine! JJmag was started some 5 years ago by yours truly, Jorge. It orignially began as a collaboration between me and my good friend Joe (aka, Josespick . . . yes he's part puerto rican so we can get awaya with that). So at our age fart and boob jokes were king and most of the content was aobut that. It's still funny as *feces*, and I plan to keep most of the content from the orignal site here so it can be viewed. So, now we come to present day. I am currently a college freshmen in one of the most boring states of this good country, West Virginia, but hey, beer and moonshine is plentiful, and there's some fine peices of *buttocks* in this state. Well, enjoy kids for remember: "If God was a woman, it would surely rain blood and destruction once every 28 days." We are also searching for writers and photoshop junkies who can add cool stuff, if you are either of these, email me here. In other event around the world, I saw *mammary glands* the other night, that was cool. Also, I haven't drank in some 2 weeks now, impressive right? I think so. Till next time . .. .
------------Jorge: Your web masturbator |
JJmag Home Life of an Orgasm Our World Almost Noteworthy The Occult Audio Pictures Links The Office of Jorge
Today's Date is: November 12th, 2002------------------------------This
Page Last Updated: November 12th, 2002
Here's a blue Blob for your enjoyment. |