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|| Classic American Love Story
|| Chapter One

She rushed out of the house and into her car as quickly as possible. As she drove, the tears welded up and burned her eyes. Her vision was becoming blurry from the mixture of the rain and tears. She decided it would be best to pull over because she had no idea where she was going or what she was going to do once she got there. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed the number to the only person she thought could help. She tapped her finger on the wheel and muttered, “pick up pick up pick up” over and over until somebody answered the phone.

“Hello?” she heard them ask, the sound of sleep was obvious in their voice

Robin sat up from her bed the moment she heard sobs come in from the other line.

“Who is this?” Robin questioned

“It’s me… Audrey” she answered

“God Aud, what happened, where are you?”

“I left, I finally left,” she said, while sobbing threw her statement. “And now I don’t know what to do”

Suddenly there was a pound on the passenger side window. Audrey jumped and screamed from the shock.

“UNLOCK THE DOOR” she heard him scream. She did what she was told.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered into her phone. She turned it off and placed it in her purse.

He got in the car and sat in the passenger seat. He turned to face her, and she did the same to him. They sat in silence for what seemed like eternity.

“Why are you crying?” he asked

When he got no response, he asked again, only this time he screamed it.

“Because…” she sobbed

“BECAUSE WHAT? I’m the one with the broken heart. I’m the one who is going through the pain. You just ran out on me as if I meant nothing to you, I’m the one that was in LOVE, and you were just playing a game”

“Alex, PLEASE, STOP IT. What do you know about love? What could you possibly know about love? You know, I'm sick and tired of men using love like it's some disease you just catch. Love should have brought your ass home to me last night. ” She said while still crying

His face turned pale because she had caught him. He thought he could get away with it, he thought she would never find out, but he was wrong. He was left speechless, and she just continued to cry.

“I’m um, I’m going to get going,” he said while opening the door.

“Yeah, you do that” she said

He got out of the car, and looked her over one more time. Now was when he realized how beautiful she truly was. Even in this state, with her curly brown hair all wet and tangled. Her clothes clinging to her body because of the wetness. Now was when he realized what he was about to lose. Alex closed the door and ran back to his car. That was the last Audrey ever saw of him. That was the last anybody would ever see him alive.

Alex hadn’t been driving for even a minute. He was not even a mile from Audrey’s car, that still was unmoved from it’s original position, when deer ran out from the bushes causing his little cherry red SAAB to swerve. A monstrous Mercedes Benz then hit it.

Audrey heard the loud crash and looked up to see Alex’s car smashed into nothing. She screamed as loud as she possibly could. She screamed and cried and kicked until she thought her head would explode. The next thing she remembered was being helped out of her car by a man in uniform.

“Come with me ma’am,” he stated

She could barley move let alone walk. The officer held her up and got her over to the ambulance. She was then wrapped in a towel. “Are you okay ma’am” the officer asked, never leaving her side. “Where’s Alex?” she asked. He stared at her blankly “WHERE’S ALEX” she screamed.

All Audrey could do was break down and cry harder when she had found out what had happened to Alex. He was killed on impact. She looked around the accident sight. Alex’s car was still shattered and there was glass everywhere. Then her eyes wandered to the other car. It was only smashed on the driver’s side.

“Alex” she said as she stood up. She ran over to the cop car she thought she saw Alex in. “ALEX” she screamed, as she got closer. She threw opened the door, climbed into it and sat next to the man she believed was Alex.

He looked at her blankly. She grabbed onto his body and held him as tight as she could “I thought you were gone” she had said, with tears still flowing down her face.

Chapter 2