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|| Classic American Love Story
|| Chapter Two

“I don’t know you” was his response. She let go of him and stared at him questionably.

“Your Alex” she said after 10 minutes of giving him a blank but hopeful stare.

He didn’t know what to say. Didn’t know what to do, so he turned and looked out the window to ignore her.

“ALEX” she screamed as she started to cry again.

He turned and looked at the sobbing girl and couldn’t control his anger.

“LISTEN TO ME” he yelled. She jumped at the tone of his voice. “Sorry.” He said quickly “I don’t know who Alex is and why you are sitting in here crying your eyes out” he stopped, collected his thoughts, and then started again “All I know is that me and my best friend just got in a horrible car accident and he is being rushed off to the hospital while I sit here and pray to god that he’ll be ok”

Audrey didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t believe he had the audacity to yell at her. “At least your friend is ALIVE,” she yelled. “At least he wasn’t taken away from you totally like Alex was” she cried even harder “God, why is this happening to me, WHY?” she questioned.

Chris’s heart went out to the girl who was crying in front of him. She did have a point, at least his friend was a survivor, and at least he could have some type of hope unlike her.

“I’m sorry,” he murmured

They sat in silence for most of the time. Chris was looking at the commotion going on the whole time while Audrey kept her head in her hands and fought to keep the sob’s in. Chris, deciding there was nothing else to do turned to Audrey and stuck out his hand.

“I know we are meeting on bad terms and all, but I’m Chris,” he offered to the weeping girl.

“Audrey” she said as she put her hand into his and lightly shook.

“So do you want to talk about it?” he asked, hoping not to step on any boundaries.

“I loved him” she said “I don’t know what to do with out him”

“Time heals all” was the best he could offer to her. “Time heals all wounds… mental ones, physical ones”

“Do you promise? Because right now this is an excruciating amount of pain I’m feeling”

“I promise”

The rest of the time together was silence. Audrey was later ushered out by a police officer while Chris had to stay and wait to see what would happen. Everything had been cleaned up and eventually Chris was driven over to the hospital where an injured Justin was located.

He couldn’t do anything but wait to see what the outcome of the accident was going to be. The doctors said it could take anywhere from a day to a week for Justin to regain consciousness. After that, there were the physical wounds that had a lot of healing to do, witch also could take any amount of time.

The way Chris saw it that night as he was taken home to get some sleep was that Justin was on a long road to a healthy recovery and the only think he could do for him was keep him in his heart and hope for the best.