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“I would give everything to you, THAT’S how much you mean to me” Laurel said as she broke down and put her head in her hands to sob.

“Well, you mean nothing to me” Jared said slowly, almost questioning himself. He swiftly walked out of the door.

“CUT” the director screamed. “Guys, that was perfect”

“Yeah, after the 18th take” Kevin, who played Jared, joked causing the whole crew to laugh

“Well, that’s a wrap, we finished all the shows for the season, we’ll call you when we need you for retakes” the director said

“You know… I’m gonna miss this place” Theresa, who played Laurel, said as she walked out of the studio

“Who are you kidding? No you wont” Kevin said as he unlocked the door to his car

“Yeah, now remember Kevin, we can’t tell ANYBODY what happened on this weeks episode of the show” Theresa said in a mock tone as she pointed a stern finger at him

“So, your gonna be at the party tonight?” Kevin asked

“What party?” Ter joked. “OF COURSE, Kevy, it’s the part for the season premier of our show, why wouldn’t I be there?”

“See ya then” He said. He sat in his car and started up the jetta and quickly pulled away leaving Ter standing there waiting for her ride “I’m gonna kill her” she mumbled under her breath

“HEY” JJ screamed as she pulled up in her SAAB. “wasssaaaap?” she said with a laugh

“What’s up? I’ll tell ya what is UP! You made me stand here for 25 minutes.” Theresa said while getting in the car and throwing her hands up in the air.

“Whatever… so, about this party tonight… what’s up with that?” JJ asked

“You mean are you invited?” Ter asked with a grin


“Yeah, you can crash the place if you want. I don’t know, it’s for the show. It’s like a club thing, mad stars are gonna be there.”

“Ooooooh, maybe you can hook me up with somebody”

“Yeah, because I’m famous now right?” Ter joked. “Let’s not forgot this show has been running for 3 years WITHOUT me, and I’m by no means the star, I’m just some twit who fell in love with Ronnie’s ex-boyfriend WHO she is still interested in by the way”

“Oh, no way, get out… Ronnie still likes Jared? Damnit… I WATCH THAT SHOW, thanks for ruining it”

“Sorry… but I did get to hook up with Jared! It was fun”

“Remind me again why I didn’t go to acting school with you and pursue that as my career”

“Cause you have a rich daddy and he told you no, and plus you wanted to be a chef, remember?” Ter said

“Oh yeah” JJ said as she hit herself in the head. They pulled up to their apartment.

“Dude, can you spot me the rent this month, I’m kinda short on cash” Ter asked with pleading eyes

“Relax, consider it done… remember, I have a rich daddy…” JJ said as she unlocked the front door. “So, when do we have to be ready for this party, and what should I wear?”

“Well, it’s 7 now, we should get there at 9. And don’t wear anything too sluttish, we are going to this party for ME, not for you to pick up men” Ter said

“IW, I don’t dress like a slut!” JJ said as she pointed her finger at Ter and squinted her eyes

“Remember that one time we went clubbin, and you wore that snake print THING?”

“OK, that ONE time, but that’s cause I needed a man. Remember? That’s when Shane just dumped me, I needed to bounce back quick… you know what they say ‘when you get thrown off the horse, get back on and ride or else you’ll forget how to’... or something to that effect”

“Riiiiiiiiiiight” Ter said

“I’ll be ready by nine…” JJ said as she stomped of into her room

+2 hours later+

“LETS GO, OUR RIDE IS HERE” Ter yelled threw JJ’s door

“Eh… sorry, running a little… late” JJ said as she hopped out of her room, only in one shoe, trying to put the other one on while hopping over to her purse “sorry…”

“C’mon” Ter said while pushing JJ out of the door. They got into the car and to the club. While they got out of the car, they saw photographers waiting to get pictures of the stars. As JJ and Theresa stepped out of their car they help their camera’s up, but put them back down when they weren’t the people they were looking for.

“Damn, they could at least take one picture” JJ mumbled to Ter as they walked into the club

“We are a bunch of nobodies, why would they want that?” Ter said with a smile

“HEY, RICH DADDY, remember? He’s rich for a reason, and that makes me a somebody…now… you, YOU I can understand…” JJ joked

“Ha ha” Ter said in a mock tone

They found a booth and walked to it and sat. JJ got a martini with two olives, and Theresa just got water because she was too nervous for anything else

“A martini with two olives? What’s that all about?” Ter asked JJ

“I don’t know, it just sounds nice when you say it… what’s with you and ‘just gimme a water?’” JJ asked

“Shut up” Ter laughed


“This club is phat,” Justin said while getting out of the car and waving his arms in the air

“Yeah… what show is it for again?” Joey asked

“Uh… Shiloh” Chris said

“Ok, it’s about a chick?”

“NO, well… yeah kinda, but Shiloh isn’t her name, Shiloh is the name of the town they live in” Chris answered

"Looks like SOMEBODY is a fan" JC said, refurring to Chris


“Excuse me, I have to go… uh… somewhere” JJ said as she got up to leave the booth. Theresa was going to kill her later, but she just couldn’t sit threw Ter’s little interviews. People were always asking her questions like “How did she like being on the show”, “what’s it like to be new”, “how do the other’s treat you”… blah blah blah, JJ just couldn’t take any more. This was supposed to be a fun night she thought…

“Hey there” Justin said, breaking JJ from her gaze “So, are you on the show or something?”

“Me? No, my friend is” she answered

“Care to point her out?” Joey asked. He was met by a shove from Justin. “Ow man… what was that for?” Justin just glared at him

“Uh… she’s over there… in the red, talking to those people” JJ said while pointing. Joey looked to where she was pointing and walked away in that direction

“So, I’m Justin” he said with a smile

“I’m JJ” JJ answered

“JJ… that’s different… he asked

“Yep” she replied while looking around the room

“What brings you here tonight??”

“My friend is new to the show, I came with her.”

“So…” Justin said after 10 minutes of silence between them

“So, why are you here?” JJ asked

“Cause me and my friends were invited” Justin answered, “Don’t you know who we are?”

“Yeah, I do, but I’m a Backstreet fan, although that Nick kid is a hottie... kinda a fatty... but a hottie none-the-less” JJ said

Justin was a little confused. He furrowed his brows and went to say something but was cut off by JJ

“I’m just kidding you know” she said with a smile.

He returned her smile with a smile of his own. “Yeah” he mumbled