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::chapter one::

Aurelie Lynings smiled as the casting director handed her the script for A Day To Breathe, and new, successful soap opera. ‘Wow. I made it! Even though it’s not a permanent thing… it’s still a start. And that Joshua Chasez… wait, I came here for a job, not to chase around some guy that’ll never give me a chance!’

“There you go, sweetie. I’ll see you in 2 days for the first shooting. Congratulations!” The casting director, Mrs. Stein, handed her the finalized script in her lap. She was to be Joshua’s character, Keith’s, girlfriend Leanne. His love interest for about a month’s worth of episodes. She stood up and shook her hand gratefully.

“Thank you so much! Bye!” As she exited the building and shut the door to her little, silver Volkswagen Beetle, she couldn’t help but squeal. “OH YEAH!” Singing along to the radio as she drove down the streets of Beverly Hills, sighing happy as she pulled into the driveway. Stepping out of the car, and look up at her new house- um, mansion- that she bought with the inheritance money from her parents who had died 4 months earlier in a plane crash. “Hi Melina,” Aurelie greeted the maid, who was more like her mother than a housekeeper. Running up to her room, and flipping through her already memorized lines, she couldn’t help but fantasize about her and Josh, not Keith and Leanne.

~Wednesday, the first day of shooting~

Waving to the guard and making her way to Set 3 at the studio, she spotted the set easily. Before she even got out of her car, a powder puff was stuffed into her face, and dragged into the makeup trailer.

“Okay. Hello Miss Lynings, today we’re just doing all of- or, well, most of the first episode. All that we can,”

“Thanks - ack - thanks for reminding me,” Eyeshadow, lipstick, and foundation were being applied to her face simultaneously. As the last puff of powder and the last sweep of blush on her cheeks were set, she quickly hopped out and walked over to her wardrobe trailer. “Whoa… dude, this is a lot of clothes!” Looking through a rack of shirts, she saw an outfit already hung out for her. The stylist appeared from behind a rack of clothes, and brushed out her long, slightly wavy jet black hair. Slipping on a red halter and a pair of black slacks, she spotted Joshua making his way to the set. ‘Damn, he looks better in person!’ After she put on her shoes, Aurelie waddled back out onto the set.

“Hey! You must be…” Joshua began.

“Um, hi. I’m Aurelie,”

“Nice, Aurelie…” He trailed off, giving her a flirty look that made her melt inside.

“Aurelie Lynings,” She answered, looking away before she got lost in his deep, yet bright, blue eyes.

“Joshua Chasez. You can call me JC if you want.”

“Cool, you can call me Lily for short. So, um, are you ready?” She asked nervously, still avoiding his gaze.

“Keith and Leanne on set!” The director yelled from his chair.

“Here goes nothing…”Aurelie composed herself and went into Leanne mode.

“And… action! Roll it, Jack!”

“Hi Keith, this is Sammy’s friend, Leanne.” Michelle, Keith’s best girl friend said.

“Hey. Michelle has told me so much about you…” Another hour of shooting, and they had a break as they moved some equipment to a different set. Aurelie looked around, and spotted two blondes giving her the once- over. ‘Sigh. Oh well, it can’t hurt,’ She thought as she walked to them.

“Heeey…” Lily smiled slightly seductively. ‘I might as well have some fun here.’

“Hi, Aurelie. I’m Justin.” He held out his hand to shake, as she did.

“I’m James- er, Lance, whatever you prefer,” the spiky blonde kissed the back of her hand as he shyly corrected himself. “Oh, there’s you’re lover boy now.”

“My man Lance, always the gentleman,” Justin smirked.

“Whatever. Hi JC,” Aurelie blushed as he came up and slipped his arm around her waist. ‘What the hell do you think you’re doing Chasez?!’

“Hey Lily, see you’ve already met J and Lance here.”


“Ms. Lynings? Aurelie? There you are,” Mrs. Stein rounded the corner and stared at the two, appalled. “Joshy…”


“Anyway, Aurelie, I just wanted to let you know that we’re going to Lake Tahoe this weekend for a few scenes.”

“And a vacation,” Justin added, running his hand through his curly locks.

“Right, back to the set, you lovebirds.” Mrs. Stein walked off with that.

“Lovebirds?!” Lily followed after her, leaving JC slightly stunned.

“HA! Burned! I’ll be glad to take her off your hands, Jace,” Lance smiled brightly at the thought.

“Shut up,” JC left the two.

::chapter two::