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::chapter three::

Alex squealed as she opened the door to her trailer. “JACOB! AHHH!” She ran inside her trailer and hugged a fairly tall guy with short dreads. Aurelie stopped and went over to see what all the fuss was.

“Alex?” Lily peered in and saw them making out. “Whoa, more than I wanted to see!”

Alex whirled around, “Oops… didn’t hear ya coming Lily,”

“Suuure. So, who is this?”

“I’m Jacob, and as you can see, her boyfriend.” Jacob smiled brightly down at Alex. “You wanna go get a bite to eat?”

“Yeah, we were!” Alex said, rummaging through a bag.

“Uh huh, let me go change,” Aurelie walked out and went next door to her trailer. As she looked across the parking lot, she spotted JC coming at her again. ‘Man, does he ever give up?!’

“Hey, Lily, wanna go get something to eat?” JC asked rather brightly.

“Umm, I’m going with Alex and Jacob. You can come if you want,” she turned around to go inside, but before she could shut the door, he grabbed her arm. Lily reluctantly turned back around to him.

“Lily… why?!”

“What the hell are you talking about?!”

“WHY!! You know VERY well what I’m talking about!!” Alex popped out of her trailer.

“Why what? Um, okay. We’re leaving in 5 minutes, so Aurelie, if you wanna go, hurry up!”

‘Thank you,’ Lily mouthed to Alex. Shaking JC off of her, she went inside to change. Walking back out, she found JC waiting by Alex’s car. The other two walked out, hand in hand. ‘Oh shit, back seat with JC?!’ Aurelie thought grimly as she sat inside next to him.

“Sooo… where do y’all wanna go?” Alex said, backing out of her parking space.

“There any seafood places ‘round here?” Aurelie looked out the window, avoiding any contact whatsoever with Josh.

“Yeah, there’s this lil’ seafood diner place a few minutes away.” Jacob answered for Alex. Turning left at a diner, they all hopped out of the car and went inside, taking a table in the back corner. After ordering drinks, Alex was finally able to pull her attention off of Jacob.

“So, Aurelie… what’s up with you and Joshy?” She asked when JC had left for the bathroom.

Aurelie glared at her, “What? What hell are you talking about?! Nothing! Absolutely NOTHING!”

“Whoa, whoa, okay. I get it. Well, then who are you getting it on with? Or want to, anyway,”

“I dunno, Lance and Justin are fun to be around.” Aurelie flipped through the menu.

“Ooh, so TWO boys? Damn girl, you got it goin’ ON!” Jacob laughed, calming himself down before JC sat back down next to Aurelie.

“So, is everyone ready for Tahoe? Are you going, too, Jacob?” Lily asked as she took her drink from the waitress.

“Mm, yeah, of course! How can I miss a lil’ vacation with my girl, here?” Jacob replied back brightly. Lily avoided the look JC was giving her, the ‘look at me, answer me, I need you’ look that seemed to be painted on his face. ‘Don’t give in, you’re stronger than that Lynings…’ she thought warily.

“So what would you like?” The waitress with the plastic name tag ‘Judy’, popped up in front of their table. Ordering fish, shrimp, and lobster platters, she soon walked away with their orders.

“I haven’t been to Tahoe in so long,” JC stated, breaking the sudden silence.

“I haven’t been there since I was like, 8!” Lily giggled, and suddenly spotted two familiar figures walk in. “Lance? Justin?”

Lance spotted them first and sat down at a table next to them. Justin soon followed, sitting in front of him. “Hey!”

“How’d you know we were here?” Jacob asked, leaning over and slapping each of them five.

“We come here all the time!” Lance exclaimed, telling Judy their order, which was their ‘usual’. It was rather quiet until Judy came back with Lance and Justin’s drinks as they were chatting.

“So Justin, do you have any plans tonight, oh, you too JC?” Judy asked, smiling.

Aurelie raised an eyebrow, “Uh, we’re going to Lake Tahoe tomorrow morning…”

“Did I ask you, hun?” Judy subtly put her down.

“Hellooooo?” Lance interjected.

“Uh, yeah?” The waitress asked, not taking her eyes off Justin.

“Ugh, nothing, never mind,” Lance sighed and stirred around his iced tea.

“If you’ll excuse me…” Aurelie stood up and motioned for Lance to come with her. Grabbing his wrist and walking to the other end of the diner, she said, “Dude, what do they see in her?!”

“She’s pretty hot, I guess.”


“Sorry, sorry! You know us guys,”

“Right, whatever, let’s go back now,” Aurelie walked back over to the table, taking her seat next to JC again, but he was too ‘busy’ to notice.

“Mmhmm, yeah, I’ll call ya tomorrow!” JC waved her off.

“I’ll see you at 8!!” Justin called after her.

“Oh my God, how could you?! With that… little skank!!” Alex started.

“Oh, I know, eeewwwiiiiee!!” Lily added. Judy started walking back with their food. “Wow, that was pretty fast.” Eating their food in an odd, eerie silence, they all soon finished. “I’ll ride back with Lance,”

“Um, okay. I’ll go with you JC!” Justin slipped in the passenger seat.

“Hey JC! We still have an hour left! Wanna go to the arcade?” Lance asked from his car.

JC stuck his head out his window, “Sure, why not?”

“Lance?” Aurelie asked as the car started and pulled out of the diner.

“Yes?” He answered, not taking his eyes off the road.

“Er… um, are you single?” Lily looked out her window, then glanced over at him. She saw him blush lightly, and adjust his sunglasses.

“Yeaaah…” He drew out his voice deep, drawing out the word so long, almost if he was afraid to admit it. “Why?” Lance quickly added.

“Well, uh…” Lily was cut off, but glad he did as he said his next sentence.

“Um, you wanna go out with me?” Lance took off his sunglasses and looked over at her as he pulled into the arcade.

Aurelie blinked a few times, and stared at him. ‘Quick boy, I like that…’ “Of course, wouldn’t have hinted it, right?”

Lance smiled, “Yup,” and leaned over, kissing her on the cheek.

“Awww,” she stepped out of the car, and waited for Lance, who took her hand as he walked around the car. JC stared blankly at them as they walked inside.

“Burned once again, Jace,” Justin laughed as he, Alex, and Jacob followed them.

“Ugh,” Once inside, there was about four blonde girls in the corner, looking at Lance and Lily. They soon turned to JC and walked over to him.

“Hey baby, aren’t you on A Day To Breathe?” The taller of the blondes asked.

“Um, yes…”

“Can I have your autograph?” Another shorter, blonde asked, hopping up and down with a pad of paper and a marker.

“Sure,” JC took the pad and marker from her, signing the paper. “Here you go,”

The third blonde smiled up at him, “Why don’t you hang out with us for awhile?” JC glanced over at Lance and Aurelie, who were playing air hockey.

“Alright,” he let them drag him over to the tables.

“5 to 6... I’ma whoopin’ yer ass boy!” Aurelie giggled, throwing her hands up in victory, “One more point!”

“Nooo!” Lance slid the yellow puck to her side, but she hit it back, making it bounce against the right side, up into his goal.

“Too good for you, baybee!!” Lily jumped up and down. “Aww, c’mon hun, let’s go find Alex and Jacob,” she quickly found them not too far, sitting in seats playing some driving game.

“GO!! GOGOGOGO!!!” Alex pushed down the accelerator and pushed her car past the finish line, slightly wobbly.

“Damn, I am NEVER letting you drive!” Jacob joked, standing up and straightening his shirt out.

“Wow, you can always drive with me!” Aurelie smiled, laughing.


“HELL NAW! I don’t wanna die in a car accident!!”


“Aww, I’m sorry sweetie,” Lily walked over and hugged her.

“Whoa, who are all those girls with Josh?” Alex pointed out. Lily turned around to see him surrounded by the blondes at a table. She stopped herself from having an outburst, and looked at Lance. He was looking right back at her, a slight glint of worry in his eyes.

Aurelie went over to him and hugged him, whispering in his ear, “No, no, don’t worry, I’m not jealous… I’m just worried, if you know what I mean…”

“Yeah, I know. He was all over you, and now…” Lance trailed off and hugged her again.

“Thank you for caring,” Lily smiled a little.

“Of course, you know I always will.” Lance vowed, hugging her tighter.

“Mmkay… look, girls, I gotta go. I need to get back for some more scenes.” JC stood up, tearing them off of himself.

“Bye JC!!” All four girls chorused.

“Guess that’s our cue,” Jacob noticed, tapping Alex on the shoulder and going with her out the door, following JC’s lead. Aurelie and Lance went back into his car, driving back to the set. Lily leaned her head back, letting it rest against the headrest, sighing heavily.

“What’s wrong, Lily?” Lance asked, looking over at her.

“Nothing, well, okay, fine, something. JC is just… one oddball. He just needs to get it together and move on. It’s kinda sickening, if you think about it.”

“I guess, he’s just a real hopeless romantic. I mean, I am too… but ya know.”

“Same here.” Lily stepped out of the car, and walked around to Lance’s side. As he got out and leaned against the car, she wrapped her arms around his waist and didn’t move.

“Aurelie, you’re due to makeup in fifteen minutes, let me go and we can continue this later!” Lance laughed, trying to pull her body away from his.

“I dun wanna go… I wanna stay here with you. You know that.” Aurelie smiled and stood up. “I guess I’ll go now. See you on break!”

As she jogged toward the trailers, he called after her, “You too!” ‘Damn, she is a good catch… poor JC though…’

::chapter four::